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DaXingAnLing Lingonberry Group
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    Eurycoma longifolia Jack

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    Eurycoma longifolia Jack
    Extract source: root of tongkat ali
    Characteristics: dark brown powder, bitter
    Eurycoma Longifolia Jack, also known as ' ' Tongkat Ali' ' is said to have aphrodisiac properties and will enhance male sexual libido besides other medicinal values such as treatment for dysentery, glandular swelling, fever, malaria and other ailments.
    When you consume eurycoma longifolia jack extract in sufficient dosage and concentration, your testosterone level will definitely increase.
    And the increase in testosterone level no doubts leads to: 1. a high sex drive and libido 2. longer, harder and more spontaneous erection 3. improve muscle mass and strength 4. a boost in energy and vitality 5. increase bone mineral density 6. a sense of well being 7. improve cognitive function.
    MSN: chengyanfang01atMSNdotCN
    Skybe: lynncheng87
    Mail: jessica at international-biz dot com

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