Specification :
Pine sap as raw materials for production Gondorukem & Turpentine, resulting from the interception of the pine tree Pinus Merkusii.Getah, is the raw material manufacture gondorukem oil and pine resin terpentin.The quality determined by the levels of dirt and color.White color sap that is a good color, and a pine sap with Quality A. While older color is the color of the sap of B. Quality of older due to pine sap contains many impurities.
In Indonesia, has made standardization of quality pine resin which are grouped as follows:
Grade 1: X ( Rex)
Grade 2: WW ( White Water)
Grade 3: WG ( Window Glass)
Grade 4: N ( Nancy) .
The color of pine resin called X ( Rex) for the most crystal clear color, then WW ( White Water) for the color nodes such as water and WG ( Window Glass) for the color is clear like glass windows and N ( Nancy) to brownish-yellow color brown, and M and so on for a darker color. Softening point, is a component of hardness shown by degrees Celsius ( ° C) .
Usefulness Gondorukem which is known layman is as a material process of making batik and materials for attaching solder or solder. But the fact gondorukem have other uses that have high economic value are: For paper coating, additive materials, printing inks, industrial tires, insulating electronic devices, paints, varnishes, plastics, soaps. shoe polish, ceramic. glue and other processing of sap into gondorukem lain.Proses generally includes two stages, namely Purification pine sap from dirt, and separation of oil turpentine gondorukem through the process of distillation / purification volatilization process.In pine sap, composed of several stages, namely:
1.Receiving and testing of raw material ( pine resin) .
2.Dilution of pine resin.
Pine sap dilution process done with the help terpentin.In sap dilution process with the addition of a few liters of turpentine in accordance with the conditions of sap to be processed. Dilution of sap is intended to facilitate the separation of impurities from the resin and facilitate in the removal and filtration. After reaching the desired dilution conditions sap solution silenced / precipitated several minutes to allow the occurrence of sewage sludge and water fall down, after it carried out the disposal and filtration
3.Washing and pine resin filtration.
The process of washing and filtering the sap of pine can be done by precipitation, or filtration.
4.Heating of pine resin.
This process is the stage for the purpose of separating oil and terpentin.Proses gondorukem this can be done in 2 ways, ie direct heating, and / or indirect heating ( using steam) . From the end of the process of purification tank can know the results of Gum Rosin and Turpentine is good or not. In the process of purification tank is also very determined and skilled careful treatment, because in spite of the washing process succeeded perfectly, but without any support from the cooking process is good then the results of gondorukem were so low quality, such as soft points too low, browning / burning, or berkristal.At heating process to be considered include, warming should be gradual, vacuum pressure, the vapor pressure of the vapor pressure ( open steam) is not too large, heating temperature, and peludangan temperature ( Canning) .
5.Calibration and packaging of processed pine resin ( Gum Rosin and Turpentine oil) .
Gondorukem and Turpentine is the result of distillation / distillation of pine sap. Gondorukem a solid color clear yellow to dark yellow. While Turpentine colored clear liquid and a solvent that kuat.In trade, gondorukem divided into several quality. The main factor that determines the quality of the color, soft point, and levels of kotoran.Di Indonesia, has made standardization of quality Quality gondorukem.Classified in Quality I, Quality II Quality III, and Local.
Currently, we are exploring the possibility of production and marketing of latex pinus.And as for the object and purpose we are presenting papers on pine above, is to describe briefly about the level of our current knowledge about pinus.Appearance of our ideas to produce / generate through the pine resin tapping pine trees and market it, not apart from the number and area of pine land owned by the community around us.
However, due to investors and others that become barriers, developing production and marketing of pine resin maksimal.So that, through this paper, we would like to invite investors who are interested to work with us to joint in this commodity.For every one who are interested can contact Mr PURBA in numbers HP 081260821402 and / or 08192026557.