Wawa Fashion is a fashion company engaged in selling various products import and export. I hope you are satisfied with our products you have available. Welcome and join us
We are distributor for fresh and frozen Edamame export quality.
Call Mr. Giantoro 0811145401 or 088801074508 or email: giantoro@ yahoo.com DELTALUBE OIL proved to cut your maintenance cost. More than 20years distributed in Indonesia
DELTALUBE OILS PRODUCT : Deltalube 731; 757; Ultra Engine oil. Oil for Gearbox, hydraulic, compressor, etc. More than 20years support industrial and automotive in Indoneisa.
Safety and comfort of our children to and from school is the desire of the parents. Call us on 08567112320 to book a School Bus from the school. We will provide a fleet for the purpose of shuttle....
We provide shuttle transport school children ( school bus) with the following conditions: Â car: Fully air-conditioned car, equipped with a GPS, a maximum of 5 cars this year, the maximum....
Spesifikasi : Model : QID - 1.5 Max Load Capacity : 1500 kg Rated current : 10 A Output Power : 80 w Overcurrent protecton : 14 A Jacking Height : rising from 11.5 cm to 34 cm Net Weight : 4....
DTP-Balance Transfer god exists to provide solutions to your smart entrepreneurs and have high social life to start this business with 2 ( two) concepts much better system than the system that you....
Agent pulse all operators providing cheap electrical reload all operators with the lowest price. DTP-Balance Transfer god exists to provide solutions to your smart entrepreneurs and have high social....
Welcome to PT.SHARPRINDO DINAMIKA PRIMA.We present in order to realize a competitive price ontime delivery and sale of compressed air with the trademark " SHARK" in Indonesia.We the only air....
Welcome to PT.SHARPINDO DYNAMICS PRIMA .. We exist in order to realize ontime delivery and competitive price air compressor sale under the brand name " SHARK" in Indonesia.We the only air compressor....
Usaha yang bergerak dibidang jasa, Jasa Instalasi Jaringan komputer LAN/ WAN untuk kantor, warnet sekolahan, hotel, cafe dll.
MEMBRAN NUGROHO is the main manufacturer for tension membrane in Indonesia. PVDF membrane which is given tension, shapes execellent architectural form with ranging from interior to exterior, from....
The Company is engaged in the Manufacturing & Supply Paint Thinner, as well as the process.
We sell kids clothes, Leaging and screen printing services. Note: Shipping to all over Indonesia. Minimal Order 1 Dozen. For more details, please call ( Johan) 021-96456803. In order to design the....
Provide service for residential arrangement to stay in Indonesia
Services: Passport, Resident Permit, Citizenship, Trading business permit from Indonesia Coordinating Board Official-Ministry of Trade-Customs, etc
PT. Pratama Abadi Industri was established in 1989 at Serpong, Tangerang as a PMA ( Korean) company. Core business of PT. Pratama is sport shoes contractor.
Waste Cloth Kain lap Putih Tanpa Jahit 16.000.00/ Kg Kain lap Putih Jahit Sambung 12.500.00/ Kg Kain lap Putih Jahit Tumpuk 11.500.00/ Kg Kain lap warna 1 lapis ( lembaran warna ) 5, 000.00/ ....
KAIN LAP ( MAJUN ) Kain lap Putih Tanpa Jahit 16.000.00/ Kg Kain lap Putih Jahit Sambung 12.500.00/ Kg Kain lap Putih Jahit Tumpuk 11.500.00/ Kg Kain lap warna 1 lapis ( lembaran warna ) 5, ....
We introduce is one of Forwarding in Indonesia, specifically in South Tangerang Banten.We have ready to be your co-workers to handle the import or export services. The type of services that we offer....