PERPENDICULARITY BOTTLE GAUGE Made in USA This gauge is designed to check the run-out of a bottle with a maximum diameter of 6" and may be used to check the height with the purchase of an....
Our Company is establish since 1992 in laboratory Equipments bussiness and agent from alot principals such us USA , Germany , Netherland , Spain , Korea , India , Japan , UK , Taiwan , China etc. ....
CARBONATION TEST FOR BEVERAGE Made in USA Model With and without Dial Thermometer Gas pressure is quickly obtained with this tester and gas volume easily determined where samples are tested at....
DIGITAL CAP TORQUE METER MODEL TT01 - MADE IN USA Series TT01 Cap Torque Testers are designed to measure application and removal torque of bottle caps up to 100 lbFin [ 11.5 Nm] Adjustable posts....
HERMLE REFRIGERATED MICROLITRECENTRIFUGE The Z 216 MK Refrigerated Microcentrifuge sets a new standard in this centrifuge class Capable of centrifuging up to 44 x 1, 5 / 2, 0 ml, it features a....
LABORATORY HIGH SPEED CENTRIFUGE HERMLE The Z 36 HK is the culmination of many years of centrifuge design experience combined with the latest technology Featuring speeds up to 30000 rpm ( 65390....
CENTRIFUGE LARGE VOLUME HERMLE Model Z 513 The Z 513 is a universal, high capacity bench top centrifuge. A continuous air flow through the centrifuge housing prevents sample heating and restricts....
MICRO CENTRIFUGE Z130 M Made in Hermle - Germany Z 130 M eliminates the need to change the rotors, when switching between microtubes and PCR strips The included, unique COMBI-Rotor is all that....
CENTRIFUGE MODEL Z206A Made in HERMLE - Germany. Model 306.00V01 Small Centrifuge main unit Z206A 230 V 220.96.V01 Angle Rotor for 12 x 15 ml 220.97.V01 Angle Rotor for 6 x 50 ml Complete....
PARTICLE COUNTER MODEL GT- 321 Single Channel Made in MET ONE - USA GT-321 is a portable Particle Counter Hand Held that counts particles down to 0.3 microns , giving you portability and....
COLONY COUNTER - SC6PLUS MADE IN STUART - UK Pressure sensitive counting Average count facility Bright white energy saving LED lighting With BioCote antimicrobial protection Audible count....
FLAME PHOTOMETER JENWAY Model : PFP7 Made in United Kingdom Industrial Flame Photometer Designed for industrial analysis Supplied with Na, K, Li, Ba and Ca filters Low temperature, single....
STIRRING HOTPLATE , 5 and 9 STIRRING POSITION. Made in Torrey Pines Scientific - USA Model HS 15 and HS 19 READY STOCK ! ! ! ! Ceramic Top Plated Stir or heat and stir on a rugged, quick....
STIRRING HOTPLATE CERAMIC TOP PLATE MODEL HS 40 Digital Programmable Made in Torrey Pines Scientific - USA Features: : 10-program memory stored in CMOS. No batteries. Each program can be 10....
HS 11 STIRRING HOTPLATE , CERAMIC TOP PLATED 300 X 300 mm Made in Torrey Pines Scientific - USA Features: Heat to 450Â ° C on plate surface in minutes Stir from 100 to 1500 rpm on each....
LABORATORY HOT PLATE & STIRRING HOTPLATE Made in Torrey Pines Scientific - USA. Model : HP 10-2 & HS10-2 Ceramic Top Plated Dimensions : 200 x 200 mm Stir or heat and stir on a rugged, quick....