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  • Urea 46 Kujang

    Urea 46 Kujang


    Urea 46 ( N 46% )
    Very good as a fertilizer in which the pakail beginner tillage planting.

  • NPK Putra Belian

    NPK Putra Belian


    N 16% , P 16% , K 16% , 2% MgO, S 2% , CaO 20% ,
    - Specific to Plant Palm, coconut, rubber, durian, chocolate,

  • pUPUK mjn 30

    pUPUK mjn 30


    MJN manure 30 Having the same function is as possessed levels of urea 46 N = 36-45% , K = 3% .

  • ZA Duremi

    ZA Duremi


    A pungsinnya with urea as the sole fertilizer levels beginner and has an N = 20.8% and S = 23.8% which is to strengthen the roots and leaves greener.

  • Elang Super 16

    Elang Super 16

    Rp. 3800/kg

    N = 16% , P = 16% , K = 16% micro = Mg0, Ca0, S, Bro, small grains of fine blue color. very nice to plant oil palm, rubber, coconut, coffee, duren, chocolate, and can be used to....

  • KCL Kanada

    KCL Kanada


    Brand Canada a single fertilizer KCl fine red color, with 36-46% potassium levels are very good for plants Clorida Hardware, suitable for use on peat soils, is useful to provide....

  • Pupuk TSP-36

    Pupuk TSP-36


    Fertilizers TSP-36. Fertilizers contain high levels of single super phosphate 28-45% , very good for fertilizing palm oil and rubber.

  • NPK Kumbang

    NPK Kumbang


    N 16% , P 16% , K 16% , 2% MgO, S 2% , CaO 18% , red color, very good for palm oil, the use of the area, South Sumatra, Bengkulu, Jambi, Riau, South Kalimantan.

  • NPK Daun Mutiara

    NPK Daun Mutiara


    N 16% , P 16% , K 16% , 2% MgO, S 2% , CaO 20% , Blue
    - It is good to plant palm, coconut, rubber, durian, chocolate,
    and can be used for crops

  • NPK Fajar Terbit

    NPK Fajar Terbit


    N 15% , P 15% , K 15% , 2% MgO, S 2% , CaO 16% , Red
    - It is good to plant palm, coconut, rubber, durian, chocolate,
    and can be used for crops

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