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16th Year
Distributor & Servis: Spectrum Analyzer,  Fusion Splicer Fujikura 60s & 18r,  Site Master Anritsu S331E & S332E,  OTDR Yokogawa AQ 7275,  Sunset SDH,  Gigebit Ethernet ( IP Tester) ,  Power Meter Bird 5000 XT& 5012,  Ber Test Sunlite E1,  Repeater Motorola.
Distributor & Servis: Spectrum Analyzer, Fusion Splicer Fujikura 60s & 18r, Site Master Anritsu S331E & S332E, OTDR Yokogawa AQ 7275, Sunset SDH, Gigebit Ethernet ( IP Tester) , Power Meter Bird 5000 XT& 5012, Ber Test Sunlite E1, Repeater Motorola.
Distributor & Servis: Spectrum Analyzer,  Fusion Splicer Fujikura 60s & 18r,  Site Master Anritsu S331E & S332E,  OTDR Yokogawa AQ 7275,  Sunset SDH,  Gigebit Ethernet ( IP Tester) ,  Power Meter Bird 5000 XT& 5012,  Ber Test Sunlite E1,  Repeater Motorola.
Contact Information
Mr. Andhika Prasetyo.ST
Instant Messaging:

Windows Live: andhika_gps99 andhika_gps99
Google Talk:  andhika.gps99  andhika.gps99
Y!: andhika_gps99 
Phone Number:
Phone number of Mr. Andhika Prasetyo.ST at Jakarta Selatan
Mobile Number:
Mobile number of Mr. Andhika Prasetyo.ST at Jakarta Selatan
Jl. Raya Ciledug, Taman Shangrilla Indah Unit 1 No. 94 Petukangan Selatan
Jakarta Selatan 12270, Jakarta
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ANTENA MICROWAVEMicrowave radiation is generally defined as that electromagnetic radiation having wavelengths between radio waves and infrared radiation. Microwave radiation can be forced to travel in specially designed waveguides. Microwave radiation can be transmitted through space or through the atmosphere in a microwave beam from a microwave antenna and the microwave energy can be collected with a microwave antenna. Microwave antennas are used for transmitting and receiving microwave radiation. Microwave antennas are usually essential parts of microwave telecommunication systems. Microwave antennas are designed either as broadband antennas or as antennas for a single frequency or band of frequencies. These devices typically comprise an open ended waveguide and a parabolic reflector or horn and they typically transmit a predetermined frequency in a predetermined direction. Microwave antennas are usually equipped with a reflector having a structure of predetermined shape on which is placed a mirror for reflecting microwaves. The structure and the mirror are supported by a frame mainly formed of tubes welded together or of welded or riveted compartments.
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ANTENA MICROWAVE 0,  6 mm Second
Electrical Parameters
Diameter ( m) : 0.6
Frequency Range( GHz) : 7.725 ~ 8.225
Polarization: H/ V
Type: ETSI class-2
Gain ( dBi) Low-band: 37.1
Mid-band: 37.6
ANTENA MICROWAVE 1,  2 mm Second
Electrical Parameters
Diameter ( m) : 1.2
Frequency Range( GHz) : 7.725 ~ 8.225
Polarization: H/ V
Type: ETSI class-2
Gain ( dBi) Low-band: 40.6
Mid-band: 41.0
ANTENA MICROWAVE 1,  8 mm Second
Electrical Parameters
Diameter ( m) : 1.8
Frequency Range( GHz) : 7.725 ~ 8.225
Polarization: H/ V
Type: ETSI class-2
Gain ( dBi) Low-band: 42.6
Mid-band: 42.9
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