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    Liquid Packaging Line

    Liquid Packaging Line

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    CVC Liquid Packaging Solutions

    We provide the turnkey integration

    The CVC Technologies Inc. not only supplies a wide range of machines to serve the application of liquid filling in pharmaceutical and cosmetics packaging industries, but also develops significant experiences in turnkey integration.

    Our products include:

    1. Filler/ Plugger and Capper

    2. Indexing Filler/ Capper

    3. In-Line Filler

    4. Chuck Capper

    5. Automatic Check Weigher

    6. Wrap Around Labeling

    7. Carton Sealing Labeler

    8. Cartoner

    9. High Speed Rotary Filler/ Capper

    10. Rotary Capper

    The uncompromising quality

    * Flexibility:

    Various machines fulfills most application in pharmaceutical and cosmetics industries.

    * Stability:

    With out significant experiences in packing line integration, each machine works perfectly in the turnkey system.

    * Durability:

    Compact design and excellent mechanical workshop ensures lasting operation.

    Please visit our web site : http: / / www.cvcpharmapack.com/ en/ products/ display/ 2/ liquid_packaging_solution s.html for more information.

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