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Liquid smoke is a mixture of wood smoke dispersion in water is prepared by condensing the pyrolysis liquid smoke. Liquid smoke is the result of pyrolysis depends on the base material and the temperature of pyrolysis ( Darmaji et al, 1998) . The smoke has the ability to preserve food because of the acidic compounds, phenolic and carbonyl.
As reported Darmadji et al ( 1996) which states that the coconut shell pyrolysis produces liquid smoke containing phenolic compounds at 4.13% , 11.3% and acid carbonyl 10.2% . The smoke has the ability to preserve food has been performed in Sidoarjo for milkfish smoke because of the phenolic compounds, acids and carbonyls ( Tranggono et al, 1997) .

Composition of Liquid Smoke
Liquid smoke contains many compounds that are formed due to the pyrolysis of three components namely wood cellulose, hemicellulose and lignin.
More than 400 chemical compounds in the smoke have been identified. These components are found in varying amounts depending on the type of wood, age of plant sources of timber and timber growing conditions such as climate and soil. The components include acids that can affect the taste, pH and shelf life of products asapan; carbonyl reacts with proteins and form a brown staining and phenol which is the principal shaper of the scent and showed antioxidant activity ( Astuti, 2000) .
Additionally Fatimah ( 1998) stated factions liquid smoke constituent compounds are water ( 11-92% ) , phenol ( 0.2 to 2.9% ) , acid ( 2.8 to 9.5% ) , carbonyl ( 2 0.6 to 4, 0% ) and tar ( 1-7% ) .
The content of these compounds is crucial constituent liquid smoke organoleptic properties of liquid smoke and determine the quality of the product fumigation. Composition and organoleptic properties of liquid smoke is highly dependent on the properties of wood, pyrolysis temperature, the amount of oxygen, wood moisture, wood particle size and tool-making liquid smoke ( Girard, 1992) .
Note also that the temperature of the smoke-making is a factor that most determines the quality of the resulting smoke. Darmadji et al ( 1999) states that the maximum content of phenolic compounds, carbonyl, and acid is achieved at a temperature of 600 ° C pyrolysis. But given liquid smoke product produced at a temperature of 400 ° C rated to have the best organoleptic quality compared with the liquid smoke produced in the pyrolysis temperature is higher.

The constituent components of liquid smoke include:
1. Phenol compounds
Phenol compounds thought to act as antioxidants which can extend the shelf life of products asapan.
The content of phenolic compounds in the smoke is highly dependent on temperature pyrolysis of wood. According to Girard ( 1992) , the quantity of phenols in the wood varies between 10-200 mg / kg Several types of phenols which are usually contained in the product asapan is guaiakol, and siringol.
Phenol compounds contained in wood smoke are generally composed of aromatic hydrocarbons of the benzene ring with a hydroxyl group attached. These phenolic compounds can also bind to other groups such as aldehydes, ketones, acids and esters ( Maga, 1987) .

2. Carbonyl compounds
Carbonyl compounds in the smoke have a role in coloring and flavor asapan products. This class of compounds mepunyai smell like caramel aroma that is unique. Types of carbonyl compounds present in liquid smoke include vanillin and siringaldehida.

3. Acidic compounds
Acid compounds have a role as an antibacterial and flavor forming asapan products. These acidic compounds include acetic acid, propionic, butyric and valerate.

4. Aromatic hydrocarbons polisiklis
Polisiklis aromatic hydrocarbons ( HPA) can be formed in the pyrolysis process kayu.Senyawa aromatic hydrocarbons such as benzo ( a) pirena is a compound that has a bad effect because it is a carcinogen ( Girard, 1992) .
Girard ( 1992) states that the formation of various compounds of the HPA during the manufacture of smoke depends on several things, such as pyrolysis temperature, time and humidity in the production of smoke and the amount of air in the timber.
It also said that all the processes that lead to separation of large particles from the smoke will reduce levels of benzo ( a) pirena. The process include sedimentation and filtration

5. The compound benzo ( a) pirena
Benzo ( a) pirena has a boiling point 310 ° C and can cause skin cancer when applied directly on the skin surface. But the processes that occur require a long time ( Winaprilani, 2003) .

2.5 Advantages and Functional Properties of Liquid Smoke
The advantage of using liquid smoke by Maga ( 1987) , among others, more intense in flavor delivery, flavor loss of control more easily, can be applied to various kinds of food, more efficient use of wood as an ingredient in smog, environmental pollution can be minimized and can be applied to the material in various ways such as spraying, dipping, or mixed directly into food.
Besides other advantages derived from liquid smoke, are as described below:

1. Product Safety Asapan
The use of liquid smoke is processed properly can eliminate harmful smoke components in the form polisiklis aromatic hydrocarbons. This component is not expected because some of them proved to be a carcinogen at high doses. Through controlled burning, aging, and processing techniques are getting better, tar and heavy oil fractions can be separated so that the products produced closer to free asapan HPA ( Pszczola in Astuti, 2000) .

Antioxidants 2.Aktivitas
Presence of phenol compounds in liquid smoke to the antioxidant properties of the oil fraction in the product asapan. Where these phenolic compounds can act as a hydrogen donor and effective in very small amounts of fat to inhibit autooksidasi ( Astuti, 2000) .

3.Aktivitas antibacterial
Bacteriostatic role of liquid smoke was originally only due to formaldehyde alone but the activity of this compound alone is not sufficient to cause all the effects observed. The combination of the functional components of phenols and organic acids that work synergistically to prevent and control microbial growth ( Pszczola in Astuti, 2000) . Presence of phenol with high boiling point in the smoke is also a high antibacterial substances ( Astuti, 2000) .

4. Potential formation of brown color
According to Ruiter ( 1979) carbonyl having the greatest effect on the formation of brown color on the product asapan. Types of components are most responsible for the carbonyl and metal glioksal aldehydes formaldehyde and hidroksiasetol glioksal while providing a low role. Phenol has also contributed to the formation of brown color of smoked products though its intensity was not as carbonyl.

5. Ease of use and variation
Liquid smoke can be used in liquid form, in the solvent phase oil and powder form that allows the use of liquid smoke is more extensive and easier for a variety of products ( Pszczola in Astuti, 2000) .