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CV. Auliya Sakha Sejati

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CV. Auliya Sakha Sejati
CV. Auliya Sakha Sejati
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    Pupuk Vitaplus+

    Pupuk Vitaplus+

    Rp.40.000 ( partai harga nego)/ tidak termasuk ongkir
    Quantity Order:
    Pack. & Delivery:
    Botol & jerigen ( Netto 1 Liter)

    Specification :

    Our Mitra Agribisnis Indonesia / Bhumi Karya Utama ( BKU) is a manufacturer and distributor of Vita Plus Fertilizer, which aims to increase the production of the farmers, by balancing the composition of macro nutrients and micro nutrients so that the growth of stems, leaves and fruit can be a maximum . In addition, there is the composition of Vitamins and growth stimulating substances that are safe to use on young plants and old plants ( vegetative growth and generativelly) so that regardless of the age of these plants. And plants become more resistant to pests and diseases. And usage can be mixed with other pesticides.
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