The Earth' s atmosphere consists of various gases and exerts weight or pressure on every point of the globe and, hence, on an altimeter plus barometer. This is called absolute pressure. It is helpful to think of absolute pressure as the weight of a column of air from your location up to the top of the atmosphere. As you climb higher, the column of air above you becomes shorter, so that the absolute pressure decreases. the THOMMEN CLASSIC is basically a precision barometer that measures absolute pressure. The instrument has two scales. The inner scale, used for weather forecasting, is graduated in inches or cm of mercury or in millibars ( mPa) , depending upon the model. the outer scale, used for altitude measurements, is graduated in feet or meters of altitude. As you climb to a higher elevation, absolute pressure decreases, allowing the measuring mechanism to expand. This causes the indicating needle to rotate clockwise, indicating lower absolute pressure on the inner scale and higher altitude on the outer scale. Weather too can influence the needle position, when high or low pressure fronts move through your region. It is easy to adjust the instrument for existing weather conditions. You merely rotate the altitude dial a little until the instrument held erectly displays your present elevation. Weather induced changes are generally rather slow compared to your own rate of climb or descent. For that reason, it is usually enough to check/ adjust the instrument' s reading at the start of each day and once or twice during the day when you come to a point of known elevation.
The THOMMEN CLASSIC altimeter plus barometer remains a standard of excellence by which others are judged. Regardless of model, the operating principle remains the same. An evacuated aneroid capsule compresses and expands with changes in absolute pressure. The changes are transmitted to the needle by a suitable gearing system and registered on a pressure scale and an altitude scale. The aneroid capsule, vital core of every THOMMEN CLASSIC, consists of two membranes made of superior tempered copper/ beryllium alloy. The two membraned are welded together by an electron beam under extreme vacuum to form the evacuated aneroid capsule.
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