Basic Lifeline Set [ 3324-9591706] . Hub Mia 0856 9139 8333[Dec. 28, 2010 10:56:32]
Basic Lifeline Set [ 3324-9591706]
A set designed to meet the minimum needs for line safety operations. Set contains. ( 1) 150' Superline II Rope, ( 2) 20' 7/ 16" Rigging Lines, ( 2) Rescue 8 Descenders, ( 6) NFPA large " D" Steel Carabiners, ( 2) 15' x 1" Flat Webbing, ( 1) Rope Bag. Model 1 - uses 1/ 2" rope-$ 386.95 Model 2 - uses 5/ 8" rope-$ 437.95
Hub Mia 0856 9139 8333