To give attractive appearance, colors are frequently added to the foods which are mainly of two types; natural and artificial. Natural food coloring is not harmful as it is obtained from natural sources while artificial food coloring may be dangerous to health because mineral compounds, petrochemicals, petroleum, and coal tar are source of it. Many artificial food colors contain very toxic chemicals which are responsible for many different, disorders, diseases, behavioral problems and mutations of genes in humans. Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder ( ADHD) , brain tumors and other potential cancers are more serious problems associated with artificial food coloring.
Mostly natural food colors are obtained from fruits & vegetables and contain nutritious compounds which are beneficial for health.
Some dangers related with artificial food coloring include:
• Hyperactivity:
o As per report from Healthy Child Healthy World, adults consider that hyperactivity in children is caused by sugar-rich foods but actually it is caused due to the food colors which are added in it.
• Childhood Problems:
o Food dyes can cause many problems in children for example attention deficit hyperactivity disorder ( ADHD) , a serious disorder which affect the development of child.
• Weakening of the Immune System:
o Consumption of artificial food color can also reduce immunity of the person. As a result of weakening of the immune system, body’ s ability to fight against disease is decreased and person can become sick very easily.
• Sterilization:
o Some food colorings are also responsible for causing sterility, particularly in men.
• Other Health Problems:
o Artificial food coloring can also cause other health problems like asthma, allergic reactions and lead poisoning, according to the studies performed by the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention.