I am a private investor/ Lender.We focus on Seed Capital, Early-Stage, Start-up Ventures, existing LLC and total completion and expansion of investment projects with immediate funding. We are a....
I am soliciting for the firm to get interested .... have financially sound base, Excess Maximum Return Capital Profit ( EMRCP) of average and ranging from 1.2% on each private and corporate portfolio....
We are leading ISO 9001 certified Organization is .... widespread.India is growing fast 2 b d diabetic capital of the world so everyone must use such products.Stevia is the world� � � s only all....
Hahnemann Charitable Mission Society 1996, is an ISO certified NGO having diversified network among the nation. It addresses itself as one of the growing organizations, catering to qualitative and....
Assumption of Capital and Sales Course in JKT, could be in place but there is the cost of accommodation, the machine sent via package. Noodles can be resold to consumers under the assumption ....
We started our business since June 2007 at the start with five barrows and five merchant area of Depok. Type of food we offer is Noodle, Baso, Boiled dumplings with minced chicken combined Wonton....
we are in the process of developing business in .... developing our business by investing the funds for capital development of our business system with mutual consent and mutually beneficial to both....
Bananas Foundations has business 1. Manufacturers of traditional snacks 2. Distributor snacks ( snack) , Coffee, Sea Food 3. Distributor seasoning kitchen purposes 4. Distributor Seasonings and....
We have established a proven track record of .... our areas of specialty ; Corporate Litigation, Capital Market, Complex Bankruptcy matters, Court Sanctioned Restructuring, General Corporate and....
Konsultan HKI terpercaya dan terdaftar di Indonesia dengan keanggotaan Nomor : 0277.2010 Dengan pengalaman lebih dari 24 tahun kami siap membantu anda demi mendapatkan perlindungan terhadap Hak atas....
ADVOCATES & LEGAL CONSULTANT, based in Jakarta-Indonesia. We have established a proven track record of dedication to our clients in the traditional client-attorney relationship in catering to the....
Does almost every day you open FB, kaskus, .... minimum order and price with reseller - Without capital & not have to stock items - Goods sold a diverse and unique - There is a special program....
Welcome to All In One Shop, All In One Shop is a trusted online store that sells various high quality products, competitive pricing, unique, and much more .. We are proud to provide products....
Impex Finance is able to arrange and place .... Credit Globally for Real Estate and Raw Land Venture Capital Acquisition Finance Standby Letter of Credit Letter of Credit Bank Guarantee Credit....
Finance, Trade, Credit, Capital, Letter of Credit, Bank Guarantees, Venture, Loans Biz-Hub International locates Global Financing and Bank Instruments for economically viable ventures / projects....
Papi is a culinary mushroom fungus-based .... now a metropolis because of its location near the capital Jakarta and the city is the gate of the capital.....
Transaka Cargo international cargo services .... electronics etc. Our spirirt becomes the initial capital to provide the best services for customers, when you have inquiry please let us know and do....
Transaka Cargo is a international cargo service, Forwarder Company based in Jakarta Indonesia, established in 1995, and enjoying the recognition from all the local bodies, Government of indonesia, ....
: � � � building developer service we make a move .... invested [ by] perkavling, while prosentase organizer capital [ counted/ calculated] from house unit development expense, permit perkavling and....
we are active in building service. Our service for example [ is] 1. management of farm processing 2. from mapping/ topography / survey/ gbr 3./ estmate/ management execution
KORBAN KOPI ( Coffee Victim) Coffee Shop Finding .... Owner Training and Staff Training CALCULATIONS CAPITAL AND COST = PROFIT Capital Investment Rp 5, 000, 000.00 The average price per cup....
Korban Kopi is a cafe focus on coffee. With some FREE facilities, like FREE HOTSPOT, Acoustic Music on weekend, and library Cafe.
COOPERATE INVESTATION EELS EXPORT SCALE COMPANY .... container river ( 15 ton / container) at 1 month. Capital necessaries � � 10 Milyard Rupiahs or USD $ 1.100.000, - American Dollar, it� � � s mean....
clean oval invite colleagues who have no intention to increase income, can be started from home, the condition must have a washing machine, washing machine manual can also ... with a starting....
Oval CLEAN stood under the banner of CV. RIAU cakrawalaTarget Disperindag cooperatives and local government ukm Pelalawan, ( RIAU) producing various kinds of soap cleanser, such as: -Detergent....
WE ACCEPT THE ELECTION OF CRAFT MAKING TRAINING MATERIAL DESIGN OF WASTE TO MAKE READY TO SELL PRODUCTS You are confused do not have the capital and skills kusus we are ready to help you to create....
We are the only want to help reduce pollution environment we tried to process rubbish or waste to make things that can be used with have selling values back we tried to give touch of natural and....