No.: 059 / GIP / PCCI-UN / VI / 2014 Appendix: 1 .... Feet FCL fee ( UNDER NAME) Rp. 3.000.000, - Description: � � Cost does not include import tax ( import duty, import VAT, Income Tax psl....
Drilling with Special Drill Machines, faster and has sufficient capability To obtain the depth in accordance with existing water sources by drilling deeper water conditions are problematic, ....
PT. Andritechnindo Nilamtunggal. Beginning in 1979, the company established groundwater drilling. With hard work and high motivation of its leaders, the company successfully grow and develop as a....
PT SDS offers cooperation in the field of courier services , both for the city , outside the city , and outside the province .
PT Sarana Daya Universe ( SDS ) is a company engaged in the field of logistics services, courier and cargo . Service that serves the removal or fast delivery of goods / documents from one place to....
1. Offshore Services : 1.1 Diving Services, .... Marine Constructions Services : 2.1 Pipelne / Optic Cable Burial, Plug & Abandonment 2.2 Trenching, sand bagging and burial of pipeline and....
PT. Arkananta Indonesia used to be called the Arkindo, PT. We are one of the commercial diving, offshore consultant & marine geo survey company located in Surabaya, Indonesia & proud to provide....
I. LATAR BELAKANG Usaha catering rumahan .... makanan ini yaitu bertempat di warung pertengahan PT.Batamec dan PT.Paxocean Panyu d. Peralatan Kebutuhan Peralatan Masak Kompor gas Wajan besar ....
in response to increasing demand for food because .... MERRY ' ' located in the middle Katamso Jl.Brigjend PT.Batamec and PT.Paxocean, as the beginning of our efforts, we always give priority to....
PT.Trisaka Panunggal Dimensi gives You a service to build or remodel your building or house. " We Serve You To Build A Better Future"
K-Link Indonesia adalah salah satu anak .... giat, idealis, dan strategis, dengan tujuan menciptakan situasi � � � win-win� � � untuk distributor, pelanggan, staf, mitra dagang dan rekan bisnis kami.....
Saya adalah seorang Distributor Produk K-Link, yang berhak mendistribusikan seluruh produk K-link, di 5 benua/ lebih dari 46 negara https: / / watch? v= zQuuWwbjaZM
Dear. Mr / Ms Div. Purchasing Div. Import Dept. In The Place. With respect, Introduce us Pt. Primary Global Logistic as a company engaged in the field of International Freight Forwarders both....
Harga PROMO Hand Lift Stacker. Hand LIft Battery untuk mengangkat barang dengan capacity 1 ton samapai 2 ton menggunakan AC / DC. Hand Lift Battery untuk ketinggian sampai 5 meter. Kami menyediakan....
PT. DWS, stood from 1992 in central Jakarta Wisma Cormic, we are Distributor of Material Handling The pallet HAND, HAND LIFT / stacker, pallet MASH, ELECTRIC SCISSOR LIFT, DLL
Management Consulting : 1. Konsultasi, Prod. Management Sys, Inventory Sys, Warehousing Sys, Purchasing Sys, Human Resource Management. 2. Service in Making PT or CV.
This company running Service and General Trading. .... Human Resource Management. 2. Service in Making PT or CV. General Trading, any kind of trade issue.....
Internet Banking? Online Stock Exchange? .... protect such system. We can see many available option. But what is the most popular one in today' s world? It' s 2 Factor Authentication. And what....
PT SecureMetric Technology is one of SecureMetric Technology Sdn. Bhd. ( MSC) branches. SecureMetric' s main office is in Malaysia. SecureMetric Technology SDN. BHD. ( MSC) was established in 1998....
You need the services Import of china, Singapore, .... hesitant, afraid to import existing services? We PT.Cahaya lintas Semesta, Services Import cargo ( international freight forwarder) which aims....
PT. LUTHFIA LAJU MANDIRI is export-import company which has a very good reputation, especially in the field of international trade. In addition to regularly send goods export import own property we....
LUTHFIA LAJU MANDIRI, .CO.LTD is the Indonesia .... you! Ours best regards Anton B Marketing PT. LUTHFIA LAJU MANDIRI Div. Logistics Support Jl. Raya Bogor Km 21 Blok B9 No 136, Kramat....
Receive air transport services with the fastest flat boking system with service port to port.
PT.USM ( BUSINESS SUCCESS SELF) is a reputable company serving freight forwarder super expres ( The cost is very affordable) our cargo services has been established since 2002, is engaged in the....
Mercury China 99, 99% Kemasan : Tabung 34, 5 kg Harga : IDR 22, 000, 000 Email: pt.indogunacipta@
Air Raksa ( Mercury) Product berkualitas ( Import) dari Negara CHINA PT.Indo Guna Cipta Jl.Kusumawardani H-14 Kec.Semarang Selatan Kota Semarang - Jawa Tengah ....