We CV.indotektone safiore offering patnership in our bussines in Organic Fertilizer Industries and marketing in every region in indonesia and international. More information call us : Hidayat 022....
Looking for local distributor and agent that willing to work together with us to distribute our product in your area. Organic Fertilizer BIOGREEN distribution to all regions, particularly in....
Perusahaan Distribusi Pupuk Organik Bio Green. Produk pupuk organik kami akan membantu tanah anda kembali sehat dan anda akan mendapatkan hasil terbaik dari tanaman yang anda tanam.
Mengajak kerjasama menjadi agen ataupun sub agen, atau mau membeli langsung untuk konsumsi sediri.
Di Cari Agen Atau distributor Untuk memasarkan Pupuk Organik / Pupuk Biologi SMS Agrobost
Biopori Concept Biopori is hole under top soil that� � � s created by soil organism activity, like some animal that life under the soil and another roots. That hole may absorb rain water and reduce....
GARIS HIJAU ( Landscape, Architecture, Interior and Artworks Design and Build) Who we are� � � We are a professional Landscape design and are happy to provide you with many good references. We work....
bermacam-macam pestisida untuk pertanian seperti tanaman padi, karet, hama tanaman juga pupuk dan sebagainya
we the grocery shop and at retail selling assorted [ of] product [ of] like product pertanian, kitab2 religion islam, topi, peci, tambang, onderdil and sepeda, oli motor medium and others
Along with the growing up of Indonesia' s industries and recently environment issues is increasingly more and more which makes some industrialist worry to perform their business, BIO ALAM LESTARI, CV, ....