Mercury China 99, 99% Kemasan : Tabung 34, 5 kg Harga : IDR 22, 000, 000 Email: pt.indogunacipta@
Air Raksa ( Mercury) Product berkualitas ( Import) dari Negara CHINA PT.Indo Guna Cipta Jl.Kusumawardani H-14 Kec.Semarang Selatan Kota Semarang - Jawa Tengah ....
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We are manufacturing and installation SPECIALIST CONTRACTOR ventilation , ducting , fan exhause follows : 1. AC ducting using pu / BjLS . 2. Ducting mainkithcen use BjLS / plate 1, 8mm . 3.....
We are specialists in the design and CONTRACTOR installation of air conditioning ( cooling system) , ducting fabrication and cold room / chiller / Calling Tower / WCP / Duct Split / services / ....
Container Yang Kami Jual Besertification dan Garansi, Kondisi Mulus Seperti Baru, Masih Layak Untuk Export - Import.
We Serve Gift , Placad, Medal, Digital Printing, Advertising, Publishing, Leaflet
We Serve Gift, Placad, Medal, Digital Printing, Advertising, Publishing, Leaflets Serving: Construction, Booking, Sales, Miscellaneous Souvenir, Souvenirs, mementos Goods, for a variety of race....
konveksi Indo Adalah usaha dibidang clothing atau garment yang dimulai sejak Juli 2010, kami melayani pembuatan sablon dan bordir kaos, sweater, jaket, kemeja, poloshirt dan segala jenis apparel....
Konveksi Indo Adalah usaha dibidang clothing atau garment yang dimulai sejak Juli 2010, kami melayani pembuatan sablon dan bordir kaos, sweater, jaket, kemeja, poloshirt dan segala jenis apparel....
LD BAMAS SATRIA Serving the manufacture of electrical panels, karaoke audio installation, service computer and printer, roll spol speakers of various brands. Please consult in advance about your....
With regard, With pleasure we offer / give a price quote Iron, Zinc, Aluminium plates, nails, wire, tile, paint, and others that we provide as follows, PRICE IRON, Concrete Iron, Iron 6 mm ( ....
Sakira couturier What do you want, dream and need, Hopefully we will sew, with quality stitching and detailed standards for every aspect of your clothing. We dedicate our entire best ability to....
we sell handbag and get cooperation in bag production various fashion gets order, every model differ form, cheap price and certain impressive: can message at no tlp: 024-70044750 price: rp. 10.000-1....
FIND A LIQUID SMOKE SUPPLY GRADE 1 ( SERIOUSLY BUSINESS) We are often asked to help hold liquid smoke grade 3 ( clear) for the purposes of food ( food grade) . Due to the interest of our clients, ....
' Easy Test' is a leading provider of reagents ( chemical solution) or a test kit for rapid analysis for a test compound or quality of certain materials (,
PT . FEDERAL PARTNER SOLUTION International Freight Forwarders , Custom Clearance , Custom Consultant And Land Transportation Service . With high competence in all aspects of transportation services ....
" We' re Looking for Investors / Dealers / Sales Agents / Distributors / Exporters / Traders / Forwarders � � � to Distribute Our Exclusive PRODUCTS: � � � MODERN MINIMALIST STEEL FOLDING DOOR � � � ....
We are the leading manufacturer of canopies and awnings ( manually or automatically retractable ) which are constructed of metals ( hot dip galvanized and stainless steels ) with the imported....
We are authorized by the farmers / land owners of approximately 5000 ha of agricultural land to look for investors who want to use the land as agricultural land for the purpose of profit sharing .....
engaged in agriculture and trade in agriculture products, looking for investors to work together on 5000 ha of agriculture land
WANT TO IMPORT CHEAP FAST SAFE AND RELIABLE? CONTACT: ALEX LIEM PHONE: 0878 88 521 345/ 021 922 840 45 BB PIN: 229365CD WE PT.TRANS HARVEST Eximindo ( T.H.E CARGO) is forwarding services....