CV. Furindo Pratama adalah perusahaan yang bergerak dalam interior design, kontraktor dan retail. Berdiri sejak tahun 1970 an dan telah memproduksi furniture / mebel exclusive dan berkualitas untuk....
DICARI.anda perlu modal n punya bank garansi, bisa hub kami..........senantiques@ ........................
Drum besi maupun drum plastik bekas kami telah di recondition oleh para pekerja kami yang sudah terlatih di bidang masing-masing, apabila anda berminat anda bisa menghubungi kami untuk menjadi fatner....
Perusahaan kami bergerak di bidang recondition drum besi ataupun drum plastik dengan segala ukuran, usaha kami mulai berjalan sejak tahun 2000, adapun usaha kami ini adalah sebagai pembeli juga....
management Siomay Ajib invite collaboration to all those who wish to self-employed or want to find a sideline in the culinary field at a relatively affordable and systems that are not burdensome.
We started this venture as a hobby and loved to eat somay. So we know that the quality is really good for a whole range of somay. Ust Siomay first opened in Tangerang area on 2 February 2012. Walking....
PT. INOFAST INSPIRED MEDIA SERVICES provide splicing and TERMINATION OF FIBER OPTIC CABLE WITH LOW PRICE. performed by experienced personnel ONLY Rp.200.000, - / Core QUALITY GUARANTEED .. ....
Day Inti Persada Day Inti Persada is a company engaged in trading tools and general industry suppliers. In the era of free market competition is certainly quite tight and we try not to miss the....
Here is our Premium. We offer this for our new client. The price which is published is not promo. We are in promo, we give big discount 70% . Bonus pay 1 space get 6 space.
IklanSpaceMurah, is a small company. We are adspace provider, we provide affordable adspace for you. Our space is not out door or in door, but webspace, which is a gold opporutnity for our cleint. We....
a System Financing, procurement and refinancing of 4-wheeled vehicles, and investors need the team for developing a business and the development of Area Services, Investors Wanted for Branch Office / ....
3000 fingerprint capacity, 100.000 records capacity, FT Color LCD, Usb flashdisk, TCP/ IP dll
Milled services a wide range of Plastic and We also can provide a sort waste at competitive prices and relatively inexpensive.
Our company produce various recycle from tire waste product Available for : 1. Crumb Rubber / Rubber Chip ( 5mm, 6mm) 2. Rubber Powder / Rubber Mesh ( 20 mesh, 30 mesh, 40 mesh) 3. Steel Wire ....
Erection Steel Structure & Material Handling : The wide variety of projects completed Demonstrates depth of knowledge and specialized xpertise in Material Handling Systems, Industrial....
1. SERVICES: � � � EPC, Piping, Plant Maintenance, Infrastructure & Building Mechanical & Electrical � � � Outsourching ( Manpower Recruitment Services) . � � � Genset Rental 100kVA - 2000 KVA � � � ....
Road Show of Mother Earth berbekam Goes To Mall - Goes To School - Goes To Mosque - Goes To Office / RoemahHerbalBerkah Herbal Health Rubric Best Chemical-Free....
We are engaged in retail herbal, herbalist Training / Thibbun Nabawi, Journalism Training, Health Seminar, Roadshow Tausiah and Agent Biokamera. Is located at Jl. Rajawali III No. 25 Pondok Bahar....
We are looking for the main supplier or importer of branded bags in Jakarta ( kw1-super premium) to become our suppliers. We are committed to cooperate in long term should the qualifications are met....
We are providing branded bags, wallets and watches for both women & men.
Terima Jasa Planing, Milling utk Frame Yang Besar maupun yang kecil.
Industrial machine making. Reclaimed Rubber, and cutting board ( pp, pvc) , Pneumatic Part
Our fertilizer manufacturers Hormone Producing Fertilizer and fertilizer plants, aka and accelerate the growth of seedlings, fruit enlarging capacity, strengthening the trunk of the plant, Suitable....
Fertilizer Manufacturer We produce a special hormone liquid fertilizer for additional enrichment plant, grow roots accelerate, accelerate and increase the diameter of the rods, enlarging the capacity....