Company List - kaduna Province - Nigeria - Show All Valid - RSS - International Import Export Trade Leads MarketplaceenThu, 20 Mar 2025 01:09:26 +0700Indomonster.comTrade: RAJIM ENGINEERING & TECH. SERVICES LTD [KADUNA, kaduna, Nigeria]WE ARE ENGINEERING SERVICING COMPANY ( A LIMITED LIABILITY COMPANY) OFFERING SERVICES TO THE OIL REFINERIES IN NIGERIA WITH OVER 30 YEARS EXPERINCE IN THE REFINERY. WE PROCURE AND SUPPLY PLANT SPARE..../rajimengineeringco/profile/rajim-engineering-tech-services-ltd.htmRAJIM ENGINEERING & TECH. SERVICES LTD20240625101949Service: Yedemo Telecoms Nigeria limited [Kaduna, kaduna, Nigeria]Automobile Engineers, Telecomunications and instrument engineers who also manage an integrated Farm. We undertake instrument service and repairs for refineries/yedemotelecoms/profile/yedemo-telecoms-nigeria-limited.htmYedemo Telecoms Nigeria limited20240625101949Service: Ahmadu Bello University, Department of Chemistry [Zaria, kaduna, Nigeria]an academic institution - a government owned university engaged in training undergraduate and psotgraduate students with an academic staff population of over 2000./ahmadubello/profile/ahmadu-bello-university-department-of-chemistry.htmAhmadu Bello University, Department of Chemistry20230524160425Trade: ECHAS SCIENTIFIC NIGERIA LTD [kaduNA, kaduna, Nigeria]PROCUREMENT OF LABORATORY EQUIPMENT FOR DEPARTMENT OF ELECTRICAL AND COMPUTER ENGINEERING S/ NO DESCRIPTIONS QTY Price 1 Electric technology experimental system catlogue No. 1 F11-2. part..../echasscientificcom/profile/echas-scientific-nigeria-ltd.htmECHAS SCIENTIFIC NIGERIA LTD20230524160425Service: Ahmadu bello University [Zaria, kaduna, Nigeria]A university based in Zaria, a large town in North-central part of Northern Nigeria, West Africa. The largest university in Nigeria./abu_ict_multimedia/profile/ahmadu-bello-university.htmAhmadu bello University20230524160425Trade: FRESOL LTD [kaduna, kaduna, Nigeria]Nigerian company engagaed in the business of truck parts sourcing and supply/ sells to the nigerian haulage industry with about 20 work force/httpfresolltdng/profile/fresol-ltd.htmFRESOL LTD20230524160425Service: okima nigeria limited [kaduna, kaduna, Nigeria]Incorporated in nigeria in 1993 for engineering services and supplies. Turnover of over 50million naira and managed by a Registered engineer and consultant./okimalimited/profile/okima-nigeria-limited.htmokima nigeria limited20230524160425Manufacturing, Trade: Giftz Galore Integrated Services [kaduna, kaduna, Nigeria]small scale souvenir, corporate gifts, printing wholesale retail shop in Nigeria/giftzgalore/profile/giftz-galore-integrated-services.htmGiftz Galore Integrated Services20230524160425Trade: BEARING AND TRANSMISSION LTD [Kaduna south, kaduna, Nigeria]Stockist and supply of Industrial and Mechanical Spare parts and Sundries.we have overseas suppliers from Europe, like ACORN IND.SERVICE LTD , SYSTEMPLAST UK and many more./bearingcom/profile/bearing-and-transmission-ltd.htmBEARING AND TRANSMISSION LTD20230524160425Trade, Service: TRADEASSOCIATES [Kaduna, kaduna, Nigeria]Our sphere of interest amongst other includes manufacturing representative/ distribution marketing of oversees companies products , industrial equipment, Real estate Developers, wholesales, retailers..../tradeassociates/profile/tradeassociates.htmTRADEASSOCIATES20230524160425Trade, Service: MJCADILLACINTWAL [kaduna, kaduna, Nigeria]COMPANY� � � S PROFILES: MJ CADILLAC INTERNATIONAL ( WA) LIMITED which was incorporated in the year 1990 under the corporate Affairs commission ( CAC) with RC.No.153640 Abuja Federal capital city Nigeria..../MJCADILLACINTWAL/profile/mjcadillacintwal.htmMJCADILLACINTWAL20230524160425