We are 1210 hectares private owned Plantation located in Kabupaten Lumajang, Jawa Timur. Our four main comodities are Rubber Tree ( Latex) , Cocoa bean, Coffee bean, and Coconut.
distributor, supplier, and general trading
We are Travel agent that can brings you joy of vacations all over in Indonesia. See the beautifull beach in Kute Beach in Bali and see the sunset whlie enjoying seafood. Dive the beautifull sea in....
Pengolahan Hasil Laut dan Pertanian, Sarden Kaleng, Kecap, Beras, Kelapa, Minyak Kelapa
Our company engaged in general trading covering the field of agribusiness, distributors and community empowerment agribusiness: coconut, grains, eggs, saffron, nutmeg, etc. distributor: cooking oil....
perusahaan kami bergerak di bidang penjualan rempah-rempah, antara lain kunir, jahe, kencur, temu, kelapa, ketela, cengkih, daun cincau.
Membeli dan Menjual Hasil Bumi seperti Kopi Robusta, Cengkeh, Minyak Atsiri, Minyak Cengkeh, Jagung, Gaplek, Kelapa untuk pasar Lokal dan Ekspor.
General Trading, import/ export, agriculture, mining etc.
Agrobisniz with suppoted + / - 1.200.000 Ha foresth at java island ( east of java)
we are engaged in suppliyer CATFISH, CATFISH we provide for the needs of companies and also need a supply of catfish restaurant, we were also able to continuously provide a supply of catfish to the....
Farmers and Fisheries Community at Kars. Kediri
Our company, CV. ALOHA COCONUT FIBER, was built on 13 June 1992 in Malang city, Jawa Timur, Indonesia, by Yohaned Edward Yusuf. At that time we still concentrated on Repro Film & Graphic Design in....
we are company is growing in the trading sector.we stay indonesia nation with the best land result of nature
Plant seeds provide high-quality fruits such as litchi Pimpong, diamond river longan, durian Montong, okyong mango, guava image, mini jack fruit, fruit tin / figs, etc.. who can live in the tropics.
Assalamu' alaikum Wr. Wb. Bapak Ibu Rahimakumullah Rekening BCA Cabang Sumenep No. 193-0325-666 a/ n Yay. Pendidikan Islam Al-Umm Yayasan al-Umm Ambunten Sumenep sangat membutuhkan bantuan....