Palm oil ( also known as dendà ª oil, from Portuguese) is an edible vegetable oil derived from the mesocarp ( reddish pulp) of the fruit of the oil palms, primarily the African oil palm Elaeis....
Point of Sale & Card Printer Magnetic, RFID Proximity, Mifare Smart Card Reader & Writer Barcode Scanner Ticketing, Human Resource & Accounting Software Inventory, Biometric Access Control & Time....
The company is engaged in the manufacture of plywood, blockboard & barecore. The company is located in Warehousing Rays Gedangan evident enclosed Blocks-19 Betro Sidoarjo. Merupakan perusahaan....
Shark established in 1984 on an area of 16, 000 m2 with 250 people the number of employees, was founded by Bpk.Kosni Suwoko. First product is the L series is produced by a combination of blue....
Hello, We would like to introducing our company " PT. PELITA MULTI ENERGI" as a trading company, principle, agent and distributor. PT. PELITA MULTI ENERGI has established in 2012. We have many....
Serve Better : We provide High Voltage Stabilizer, ARD etc with Good Quality and Reasonable Price
PT . Abista Karya Indonesia engaged in the procurement of goods and services , among others include : - Fiberglass - Pertamiam / Fisheries - Livestock - Furniture - Contractor - Service....
Binakarya PROPERTINDO GROUP is a property development company that has enough experience in Indonesia. Public confidence in the services provided for more than 15 years, has made Binakarya....
we as distributors and applicators in the field of aluminum , glass , and mild steel with the advanced safety and customer satisfaction
We are manufacturers and suppliers of agricultural, plantation, fishery, livestock, crops and others.
Receiving Services Cut and Bend Mild Stell, , Stell Staeinless, , Plate Allmunium, , Bordes plate etc. with a maximum thickness of 8mm.. And equipped like Box Fabrication and Assembly Panel, , ....
PT.CAHAYA BAJA SUKSES Indonesia adalah salah satu media pemasaran dari perusahaan besi baja terbesar di indonesia yang didedikasikan untuk para konsumen besi baja nasional demi memudahkan proses....
sfd asdfasd; lfs dfaskdfash aksjdhfa sdfs dasdf asdfa sdfas dfasd asdf asdfasd asfd asdfasd; lfs dfaskdfash aksjdhfa sdfs dasdf asdfa sdfas dfasd asdf asdfasd asfd asdfasd; lfs dfaskdfash aksjdhfa....