Company List - East Timor - Show All Valid - RSS - International Import Export Trade Leads MarketplaceenTue, 04 Mar 2025 10:16:21 +0700Indomonster.comTrade, Service: sm bark technology Ltd. [dili, East Timor]edp equopments, heavy equipments, electrical equipments. electronic equipments/smbarktechnology/profile/sm-bark-technology-ltd.htmsm bark technology Ltd.20240625101949Service: Varela [Dili, Dili, East Timor]We are Agriculture and Construction Company/varela/profile/varela.htmVarela20240625101949Trade: MAKRO TIMOR COFFEE BEANS, Lda [Liquica, East Timor]<a href=""><img style="float:left; margin:0 10px 10px 0;cursor:pointer; cursor:hand;" src="" border="1" alt="MAKRO TIMOR COFFEE BEANS, Lda" id=""></a>We are Distributor and Exporter of Timor Leste Coffee Beans. We provide ARABICA and ROBUSTA coffee beans.Timor coffee has a distinctive taste and fragrant.. Please feel free to contact us for any..../makrocoffeebeans/profile/makro-timor-coffee-beans-lda.htmMAKRO TIMOR COFFEE BEANS, Lda20240625101949Trade: Gusmao Farm [dili, East Timor]this is a group of people in village who working together and produce organic vegetables/gusmaofarm/profile/gusmao-farm.htmGusmao Farm20240625101949Manufacturing, Trade, Service: kaninuk star unip lda [Dili, dili, East Timor]<a href=""><img style="float:left; margin:0 10px 10px 0;cursor:pointer; cursor:hand;" src="" border="1" alt="kaninuk star unip lda" id=""></a>hasil bumi diantaranya : beras organik kopi organik porang kunyit jahe kacang kelapa kopra rumput laut dan produk lainnya/kaninukstar/profile/kaninuk-star-unip-lda.htmkaninuk star unip lda20240625101949Trade: Gateway Technology Unipessoal Lda. [Dili, East Timor]Gateway Technology Unipessoal Lda. is a company based in Dili, Timor Leste. Our line of business includes IT products distribution, Security Systems, Construction, Electrical and AC contracting./gatewaytech/profile/gateway-technology-unipessoal-lda.htmGateway Technology Unipessoal Lda.20240625101949Manufacturing: Timor Block Building Industry [Dili, dili, East Timor]Blocks manufacturer, Buiding Construction, electrical materials supplier,/tbbi/profile/timor-block-building-industry.htmTimor Block Building Industry20240625101949Service: G& S construction company [dili, East Timor]We are a respected construction company here in East Timor./wwwgscom/profile/g-s-construction-company.htmG& S construction company20240625101949Service: sentinelf37f9db683 [Dili, Dili, East Timor]<a href=""><img style="float:left; margin:0 10px 10px 0;cursor:pointer; cursor:hand;" src="" border="1" alt="sentinelf37f9db683" id=""></a>Provide Internet to costumer, with services and maitanance equipment IT/sentinel_group/profile/sentinelf37f9db683.htmsentinelf37f9db68320240625101949Trade: Lu Brother' s II, Unipessoal.Lda [Dili, East Timor]Lu Brother' s II, Unipessoal.Lda. Our firm is a company engaged in the field of Dry Food. We import Food & Beverages from several countries in Asia. Such as: Malaysia, Thailand, Vietnam, Singapore..../LuBrothersIIUnip/profile/lu-brother-s-ii-unipessoal-lda.htmLu Brother' s II, Unipessoal.Lda20240625101949Trade, Service: Pupuk NPK l Pupuk Nilam l Mesin Pupuk Organik l Komposter - [Bandung, Jawa Barat, Indonesia]<a href=""><img style="float:left; margin:0 10px 10px 0;cursor:pointer; cursor:hand;" src="" border="1" alt="Pupuk NPK l Pupuk Nilam l Mesin Pupuk Organik l Komposter -" id=""></a>Technology tablets and mixing ( granulation compound) is useful in supporting local programs of fertilizer which is based on the specific conditions of appropriate soil fertility conditions and soil..../gramalindo/profile/pupuk-npk-l-pupuk-nilam-l-mesin-pupuk-organik-l-komposter.htmPupuk NPK l Pupuk Nilam l Mesin Pupuk Organik l Komposter - www.kencanaonline.com20040528024200Trade: Pauline Loja [Dili, East Timor]Hello , my name is Pauline Tjoa, currently reside in Timor Leste. I' m interesed to market Yoko whitening cream. I purchasd few dozen of this products last month from one of the store in Jakarta and..../paulineloja/profile/pauline-loja.htmPauline Loja20240625101949Organizations: umacatuas companhia [dili, cristo - rei, East Timor]Trade cooperation General Trade Agents Regional Trade Agent Cooperation Tender & Offers Public Relations Consultant other processors therapy Business Training & Seminar/Uma_Catuas/profile/umacatuas-companhia.htmumacatuas companhia20240625101949Organizations: BJM Construction Builder' s Unipessoal Lda. [Dili, dili, East Timor]Our Company categories as International Company that own by a Filipino national. It was established late 2010 in East Timor, in 3 years in construction business we have successfully completed..../DexterPMelgar/profile/bjm-construction-builder-s-unipessoal-lda.htmBJM Construction Builder' s Unipessoal Lda.20240625101949Trade: Orana Unipesoal.lda [Dili, East Timor]kami perusahan kecil yang bergerak di bidang jasa transportasi dan suply sembako dan air minum kepada perusahan lain. sekarang kami lagi menjajaki kesempatan untuk menyuplay sembako pada departemen..../oranaunipesoallda/profile/orana-unipesoal-lda.htmOrana Unipesoal.lda20240625101949Service: JOBE IV UNIPESOAL - Lda [Dili, dili, East Timor]JOBE IV UNIOESOAL Lda, unipesoal bergerak di bidang Perlistrikan dan berpengalaman dalan pemasangan sambungan kabel tegangan menengah dan juga tegangan Rendah, pemasangan instalasi rumah tangga, ..../wwwjobeIVcom/profile/jobe-iv-unipesoal-lda.htmJOBE IV UNIPESOAL - Lda20240625101949Trade: CTL Furniture [Dili, 1, East Timor]Retailer of furniture in Timor Leste. Looking for good and cheap suppliers of furniture to establish long term supply/CTLfurniture/profile/ctl-furniture.htmCTL Furniture20240625101949Service: Ensul esphera engenharia timor leste [dili, East Timor]Ensul esphera engenaria is a contruction co. We are having an ongoing hospital project in baucau, and we are interested to have a company that will give us electrical cables. We are recently at 40% ..../wwwensultl/profile/ensul-esphera-engenharia-timor-leste.htmEnsul esphera engenharia timor leste20240625101949: [ ]Manufacturing: Silver Arwana Unipessoal Lda [Dili, East Timor]General trading and construction contractor/silver_arwana_unip/profile/silver-arwana-unipessoal-lda.htmSilver Arwana Unipessoal Lda20230524160425