Company List - Bolivia - Show All Valid - RSS - International Import Export Trade Leads MarketplaceenMon, 03 Mar 2025 22:01:01 +0700Indomonster.comTrade, Service: Plusoil Bolivia srl [Santa Cruz, andres ibañez, Bolivia]We supply oil materials; valves, flanges, pipes, instrumentation etcetera/Plusoil/profile/plusoil-bolivia-srl.htmPlusoil Bolivia srl20240625101949Manufacturing, Trade, Service: VYOMEDA SRL [Cochabamba, cercado, Bolivia]http: / / Vyomeda Ingenier� � a M� � dica, nace en el � � mbito hospitalario con la necesidad de mejorar la calidad de atenci� � n al paciente. En la actualidad Nuestra Empresa, ..../wwwvvyomedacom/profile/vyomeda-srl.htmVYOMEDA SRL20240625101949Manufacturing: Chia Direct [ascencion de la frontera, santa cruz de la sierra, Bolivia]<a href=""><img style="float:left; margin:0 10px 10px 0;cursor:pointer; cursor:hand;" src="" border="1" alt="Chia Direct" id=""></a>Chia Direct is a company located in Bolivia where is soil and the climate is perfect for chia seeds to grow. We do our farming ourselves, have extensive lands and export everything ourselves. So you..../Chia-Direct/profile/chia-direct.htmChia Direct20240625101949Trade: TRADE LINK BOLIVIA [Santa Cruz, Santa Cruz, Bolivia]<a href=""><img style="float:left; margin:0 10px 10px 0;cursor:pointer; cursor:hand;" src="" border="1" alt="TRADE LINK BOLIVIA" id=""></a>Multi Sectorial Business Services Connecting Bolivian Producers to International Buyers Connecting International Producers to Bolivian Buyers Customized Trade Missions in Bolivia Market research ..../TradeLinkBolivia/profile/trade-link-bolivia.htmTRADE LINK BOLIVIA20240625101949Organizations: USOA SRL Bolivia [La Paz, la paz, Bolivia]USOA is a telecommunications system integrator with more than 20 years of operation in Bolivia. USOA used to be Nortel Networks distribution channel for Bolivia and currently works provides services..../Nowebnameavailabl/profile/usoa-srl-bolivia.htmUSOA SRL Bolivia20240625101949Service: SIPI OIL SERVICES SRL. [Santa Cruz, santa cruz, Bolivia]We are a small oil services company located in Bolivia, Santa Cruz We provide all kind of services for the oilfield companies and we repair all the instrumentation for the oilrigs all over the..../wwwsipioilservices/profile/sipi-oil-services-srl.htmSIPI OIL SERVICES SRL.20240625101949Manufacturing: oilseeds bolivia [santa cruz, santa cruz, Bolivia]<a href=""><img style="float:left; margin:0 10px 10px 0;cursor:pointer; cursor:hand;" src="" border="1" alt="oilseeds bolivia" id=""></a>OilSeeds Bolivia is a company located in Bolivia where is soil and the climate is perfect for sesame and chia seeds to grow. We do our farming ourselves, have extensive lands and export everything..../oilseeds-bolivia/profile/oilseeds-bolivia.htmoilseeds bolivia20240625101949Service: Nelco S.A. [Santa Cruz de la Sierra, Bolivia]Entretaiment Services, 50 movie theater� � s/wwwcinecentercombo/profile/nelco-s-a.htmNelco S.A.20240625101949Trade: Tecnolum [Cochabamba, cochabamba, Bolivia]import and distribution of light fixtures and accessories/tecnolum/profile/tecnolum.htmTecnolum20240625101949Manufacturing: Hardydeck SRL [Santa Cruz, Santa Cruz, Bolivia]<a href=""><img style="float:left; margin:0 10px 10px 0;cursor:pointer; cursor:hand;" src="" border="1" alt="Hardydeck SRL" id=""></a>Hardydeck SRL is a privately owned hardwood mill in the Bolivian Amazon Forest, just across the border with Brazil. It sells solid flooring and hardwood decking in the species ipe, Brazilian Walnut, ..../HardydeckSRL/profile/hardydeck-srl.htmHardydeck SRL20240625101949Manufacturing, Service: Bright Tower [La Paz, Bolivia]Bright Tower is a distribution and development technology company./bright-tower/profile/bright-tower.htmBright Tower20240625101949Manufacturing: Roque Valente SRL [Santa Cruz de la Sierra, Santa Cruz, Bolivia]<a href=""><img style="float:left; margin:0 10px 10px 0;cursor:pointer; cursor:hand;" src="" border="1" alt="Roque Valente SRL" id=""></a>Roque Valente SRL is a private owned mill located in Bolivia close to the Brazilian border, with DIRECT EXPORT PRICES milling 90% of its total production into ipe decking ( 90/ 95/ 120/ 140 and 145mm..../roquevalente/profile/roque-valente-srl.htmRoque Valente SRL20230524160425Manufacturing, Trade: admin@ NPCTechnology Co., LtD [Hangzhou, Zhejiang, Bolivia]Dear Sir, HOw are you? We are a gold and trusted manufacturer of toner chip, opc drum by the biggest international B2B site , our website is http: / / . We..../tonerchipbailly/profile/admin-printercolorltd-com-npctechnology-co-ltd.htmadmin@ NPCTechnology Co., LtD20230524160425Service: Balanzas Sanchez [Santa Cruz, santa cruz, Bolivia]Industrial Scales Technology Integrator of weight systems Automation Software/bscombo/profile/balanzas-sanchez.htmBalanzas Sanchez20230524160425Manufacturing, Trade: Donna Perla [Santa Cruz de la Sierra, Bolivia]Taller de productos de belleza para la mujer/donnaperla/profile/donna-perla.htmDonna Perla20230524160425Service: Red Cetus [La Paz, Bolivia]Technology supermarket and we are Technology integrators./redcetus/profile/red-cetus.htmRed Cetus20230524160425Manufacturing, Trade, Service: Itika SA [La Paz, Bolivia, Bolivia]soy products industry, trade and distribution of products is/Itikasa/profile/itika-sa.htmItika SA20230524160425Trade: reno [La Paz, Bolivia]We sell diesel car parts diferents models year etc. we sell through the all country/reno/profile/reno.htmreno20230524160425Trade, Service: GRAMABOL S.R.L. [Santa Cruz, santa cruz, Bolivia]We are company dedicated to import artifficial grass and make artifficial grass fields./gramabol/profile/gramabol-s-r-l.htmGRAMABOL S.R.L.20230524160425Manufacturing: REDSAT [La Paz, Bolivia]<a href=""><img style="float:left; margin:0 10px 10px 0;cursor:pointer; cursor:hand;" src="" border="1" alt="REDSAT" id=""></a>We are a company dedicated to the manufacture under contract of equipments of broadcasting, tv CATV and microwaves, with experience of more dee 15 years in Bolivia, also we commercialize spare parts..../REDSAT/profile/redsat.htmREDSAT20230524160425