Welcome to National Label Established in 1973, National Label was the first large-scale and still is one of the largest and leading woven label and satin label manufacturers in Indonesia. Over 30....
PT. TIRTA WAHANA ABADI is a company that provides water and wastewater treatment, professional and distributor of all types of water and wastewater
PT.Daihatsu Pradhana Raya Mobilindo Taman Tekhno BSD, distributors and authorized dealers Daihatsu, Daihatsu brand vehicles sold with all types Daihatsu Ayla, Xenia, Luxio, Sirion, Terios and Gran....
PT. Nata Mortar Perkasa, is a company that produces instant cement " Mighty Mortar" Mighty Mortar is perfect for lightweight masonry ( AAC) , both Adhesives, Stucco and Acian. Mortar Mighty very....
Our company is a manufacturer of coconut shell charcoal always maintain the quality for industrial use activated carbon, charcoal briquettes, and a wide variety of industrial carbon and also for....
PWHT ( Electrical Heat Treatment Service) On site pre-heating, hydrogen de-gassification and post weld heat treatment of pipework, welded fabrication and pressure vessels. Flexible electrical....
Fabrication Of Spur Gear, Helical Gear And Bevel Gear With Wear Ability And Precision You Can Rely With 3 Months Warranty Stephanus Darma Gandawijaya Teknik - 08 979797 131 / 021-362 05903
Our shop makes and sells various breads, cakes, pudding and beverages.
Engineering and Process Optimization Services . . . Specializing in biomass & bio-fuel, waste, or fuel fired combustion processes, thermal oil or steam boilers, power generation, and other energy, ....
Spesialist in " raw material" for all printing.
Usaha kami adalah di bidang handycraft dan jual beli kerajinan online baik handmade kami sendiri maupun dari produk usaha yang lainnya.
We are PT. Langgeng Gumelar Sejati manufacture and fabrication of Tangki Air Fiber | Tangki Air Fiberglass | Bak air fiber | Tangki penampung air In addition we also accept Tangki Fiber....