We are one of the the largest ethanol distributor in Indonesia. A subsidiary of PT. MOLINDO RAYA INDUSTRIAL, the best and the largest ETHANOL ( Alcohol / Ethyl Alcohol) distillery in Indonesia. Our....
We are supply: 1.PIPE: Carbon Steel/ Galvanized ( API5L-B, ASTM 106 B, ASTM A53) , Stainless Steel 304, 316, 316L, SCH.10, 20, 40, 80, 160 Welded and Seamless, Tembaga, Kuningan, Hydroulik, PVC 2....
in response to increasing demand for food because .... MERRY ' ' located in the middle Katamso Jl.Brigjend PT.Batamec and PT.Paxocean, as the beginning of our efforts, we always give priority to....
Importer of prawns and seafood via associate company PT Bounty Harvest in Aceh.
PT. Samiraschem Indonesia, was incorporated on 2009 located in Indonesia and our office is in Jakarta and has developed and focused on many kinds of raw material both of natural and synthetic and....
Our menyedikan pruduk solar panels, solar cell factory, distributor of solar cell, solar cell suppliers, warehouses solar cell.
The first thing I thank you for your time to .... complement your needs. Apart from that we could adapt would the requirement, the request and your hope. It was final that good words the co....
Our company is specialized in Conveyor Belt which includes the Product Sales and Services ( Maintenance, Repair) BELTCARE Supra is Authorized Reperesentative for wide range of product for conveyor....
Our company established since 1998 that has become a firm partner for companies who need clothes need the brand " Prime Mover " the best quality of work that we provide. With emphasis on quality, ....
http: / / www.ptsinarasih.com/ images/ PDF_ Files/ PT% 20SINAR% 20ASIH% 20INDONESIA_ Ma rketing_ pompa_ R06.pdf
We are from PT. TANGGUH WIRADIKA SEMESTA, introduced himself as International Freight Forwarders & General Importer domiciled in Jakarta and we are ready to assist any needs associated with the....
Pump, blower & Valve Sole Agent, PT DWIRAJAYA SATYA has been known as an agent for several pump brands, such as NASH, TEIKOKU, GRISWOLD, GARBARINO, DEPA, ELRO, PRICE PUMP, SIEMENS ELMO, NASH ELMO, ....
Fast Moving Consumer Goods company focusing on food and beverage.
PT Fajar Rawayan Utama as a sub distributor of Ingersoll Rand Electric Air Compressor. We are selling: - Ingersoll Rand Reciprocating Air Compressor - Ingersoll Rand Rotary Screw Compressor