CV Mamamia KOMUNIKA Is a company engaged in the field service and sales Radio Communication Services ( Handy Talkue) . Various brands we provide to support your company' s performance. Starting....
The Shuttle service and Courier, path and destination of Semarang-Yogyakarta departure schedule; Monday, Thursday, Friday, Saturday and Sunday time departs; 15: 00 for Tembalang and surrounding areas....
Establish since 2008, PT Dian Cipta Sejahtera is company independent � � � owned Manufacturer, located in Bantul Yogyakarata, District of Indonesia. PT Dian Cipta Sejahtera is a company engaged in the.... / .... Semarang, Makassar, Palembang, Pekanbaru, Malang, Yogyakarta, Balikpapan, Bali, Madura, Batam, Aceh, Samarinda, Tangerang, Bekasi, Bogor..dll ....
Provide security and escort services ( Bodyguard or Private Security Details ) , and also security event such as music concerts, wedding party, etc., for those who live in Daerah Istimewa Yogyakarta....
MUSUBI Indonesia is the first company in .... growing fast early 2007 as we made our first outlet in Yogyakarta, Indonesia. Our team are the people who study japanese culture & martial art in Japan....
We provide all kinds of needs of your business, fashion boutique and shops.
Ramah Tour and Travel is a Travel shuttle service customers with a wide range of majors from and to the city of Yogyakarta . We have the most complete channel in Yogyakarta and other major cities .....
Griya Rasa is located in the city of Madiun, East .... Ngawi, Tulungagung, Kediri) and Central Java ( Solo, Yogyakarta and its surroundings) .....
I am Jogkarta male and I am work in tourism - I .... WIFE traveler which travel alone or groups ladies to Yogyakarta. ( For male, mans or gay, I am so sorry I won' t accept it for this private tour, ....
UGM Entrepreneur Club is an initiative of students at the Faculty of Economics and Business UGM to be a container student test business ideas and develop students to find valuable problem to be....
Distributor barang dekorasi rumah dan perlengkapan rumah tangga. Barang yang kami pesan akan dikirim ke Yogyakarta.
oyster mushroom suppyer, mushroom farm, joint venture, marketing, sell mushroom,
Best Jogjakarta tour operator Jogjakarta licensed travel agency Best price Jogjakarta tour packages
We sell a variety of PVC pipe SNI and the size of .... projects, especially in the region of Central Java and Yogyakarta.....