PT.HOLCIM Concrete Batching Plant Denpasar are ready to support the procurement process Ready Mix, resulting in maximum quality and timely. readymix concrete products produced always had passed....
We are a company that makes chemical products under the brand " CHEMKAV" to: 1. Water treatment for boilers, cooling tower, chiller etc. 2. Chemical cleaning for Fin Cooler fan, AHU, HE, Gas....
PT Mixonasia, established in July 2008 in Bali, Indonesia, is focused on marketing high-end equipments and accessories to the industry that require medium to high end products. Our company is....
PT. Indofitting Lestari is the representative of Blum Company in Indonesia. Our services consist of a Kitchen cabinet planning, assembly, installation and supervison, marketing and also assist....
Eskimo Is The Solution For Heating, ventilation Air Conditioning And Refrigeration. Eskimo started refrigeration and ventilation business in 1988. In 1992, PT. Eskimo Wieraperdana was officially....
PT.Indonesia Collectors Furniture, is an Indonesian full machines factory with full capacity to custom produce any style furniture whether for outdoor , indoor and hotel furniture. Our work....
Perusahaan logistics dengan fokus di freight forwading, EMKL dan shipping agen. Berpusat di Cilegon dan telah beroperasi selama 30 tahun. Untuk lebih jelasnya bisa di buka di
We are a Digital and Offset Printing Company. We provide outdoor and indoor promotion tools such as banners, leaflets, brochures, calendars, neon signs, and many more. http: / / color-samudera39....
Our company ' bergeran in the field of goods and services, specially IT goods, including PABX, CCTV, FINGERPRINT, FIRE alrm, NETWORK M& E PT.BAGUSTEKNIK, stir perusaan IS IN GOODS AND SERVICES IN....
GROUPER EGGS and FINGERLINGS FOR SALE SEA BASS EGGS and FINGERLINGS FOR SALE Fufish has established an Australian managed premium finfish hatchery and nursery in Kepri Indonesia. We offer a....
VIP Shipping Company is headquartered in Jakarta. .... delivery of numerous new building vessels in Batam and PT PAL Surabaya. A series of product bulk carrier in Surabaya, oil tankers, handy size....
Indomobil Nissan-Datsun Bekasi Siliwangi merupakan bagian dari Indomobil Group, salah satu Group otomotif terbesar dan terpadu di Indonesia. Di Indomobil Datsun Anda akan merasakan pengalaman nyata....
PT. MITRA KARYA MESINDO, Our Company is an Importer Official ( Permit Import No: BGKJKA / 5324 / XI / 2007) Engaged in the Supplier & Distributor We sell specially Engineering Paste Yamaha / Outboard....
Integrated Security Service Management security Secure Parking Cleaning Services