Natural resort & cottages at mountain environment
An establish beach resort in eastern Bintan Island which also provide some sea sport activities, suach as : snorkelling, banana boat, kayaking, island tour, fishing tour and diving.
Presenting information about sustainable tourism .... initiatives 9. Calvi� � ( Spain) : Local Agenda 21 and resort rejuvenation 10. Scotland ( UK) : Tourism and Environment Forum and Green Tourism....
One of big resort in Riau Island.......................................................
If you are a furniture decorative suppliers and intend to find consignment to promote your product in Jakarta, specialize in kemang ( furniture area) please contact me in + 628176499995 warm regards....
Jenggala Keramik provide you unique design of .... products have been used by many companies like Bvlgari resort, The Ritz Charlton, Hyatt International, Four Seasons Hotel, etc....