We are a manufacturer of solid and liquid organic Fertilizer that uses micro-biological technology in Indonesia it is only new. Our products can be used to improve the results of plantations ( oil....
We are the competent company that sale jumbo bag in all size. New and used. Our product usualy use for palm oil containers, plastic pellets, chemicals, yarns, etc.
perusahaaan yang bergerak di bidang pupuk pertanian dan perkebunan. distributor pupuk lokal dan impor
Kami bergerak dalam perdagangan jual beli sayur dan buah hoterikultura. dalam dan luar Negeri. seperti menjual Ubi Jalar, Kentang, dan Pupuk Majemuk Tabur Bintang Tani.55 # $
We are a supplier that is engaged in supplying plastic bags, of various sizes and types. Where our product is generally used for packaging products such as: rice, sugar, fertilizer, and other....
We founded the business is farming / cultivation of earthworm species Pheretima sp. Empire worm is a potential animal source foods high protein.Budidaya earthworms relative easy, efficient and low....
Our company is engaged in agriculture, we sell the bat guano fertilizer with export quality standards and has been through a lab test Sucofindo with the lab results. N 11% P 3.26% k 1.51%
We are an importer company of mineral salts and chemicals. We represent several major suppliers Our Application: Food & Beverage, Detergent, Feed, Fertilizer, wastewater treatment, and other....
Farming is the main business and supplying farm equipment majority in metering moisture of grains and also sell tools& equipment which useful for us
Best wishes and success always PD. SHEILA is a supplier of various kinds of raw materials both dishes of vegetables, fruits, mushrooms, tofu, tempeh, eggs, etc. ( all in 1) located in the City of....
Realizing that the future of chemical fertilizers ( inorganic) as a non-renewable ( unrenewable) natural materials will be increasingly reduced availability or even less balanced with the needs of....
CVSK working on fertilizers and fertilizer technology to introduce flexible formulas ( in order to support specific locations fertilization program) , technology specific formula fertilizer per plant....
Making agriculture ( in the broad sense) as the main business field, since 1994, CVSK working on introducing technology agricultural fertilizer compound fertilizer industry through flexible formula....
Indonesia is often experienced shortages of fertilizer ( urea) , while the type of super phosphates ( SP) and KCL are still dependent on imports. In that respect, a compound fertilizer tablets....