Search pt in Company List - Worldwide - Show All Valid - RSS - International Import Export Trade Leads MarketplaceenSat, 22 Mar 2025 08:07:18 +0700Indomonster.comManufacturing, Trade: PT BIMURA PUTRA PERSADA [jakarta, Jakarta, Indonesia]<a href=""><img style="float:left; margin:0 10px 10px 0;cursor:pointer; cursor:hand;" src="" border="1" alt="PT BIMURA PUTRA PERSADA" id=""></a>Bimura Putra Persada, <B>PT</B>. MRO for tools, safety and equipment
_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ ..../murada/profile/pt-bimura-putra-persada.htmPT BIMURA PUTRA PERSADA20160218075600Trade: PT.SOLUSI JAYA [Jakarta Timur, Jakarta, Indonesia]<a href=""><img style="float:left; margin:0 10px 10px 0;cursor:pointer; cursor:hand;" src="" border="1" alt="PT.SOLUSI JAYA" id=""></a><B>PT</B>.SOLUSI JAYA.
Our company is a distributor Hawk Pumps, Pumps and Pump Pratissoli we imported directly from Italy. pressure of 100 bar to 1500 bar.
� �
� � TRADE PUMP HAWK, PUMP PRATISSOLLI EX..../solusijaya-pt/profile/pt-solusi-jaya.htmPT.SOLUSI JAYA20150116004159Manufacturing: PT. Helori [jakarta timur, Jakarta, Indonesia]<a href=""><img style="float:left; margin:0 10px 10px 0;cursor:pointer; cursor:hand;" src="" border="1" alt="PT. Helori" id=""></a>/helori_grahasarana/profile/pt-helori.htmPT. Helori20100108171847Trade, Service: PT ADIYASA ABADI [Bekasi, Jawa Barat, Indonesia]<a href=""><img style="float:left; margin:0 10px 10px 0;cursor:pointer; cursor:hand;" src="" border="1" alt="PT ADIYASA ABADI" id=""></a>Industrial Manufacturing Equipment & Contractor .... 0813 1016 2011, 0812 8341 837
E-mail : hendra@ <B>pt</B>
Telp : ( 021) 32699599, 80267955. 83303562
Fax : ( 021) ..../ADIYASAABADI/profile/pt-adiyasa-abadi.htmPT ADIYASA ABADI20081210045319Trade: PT. MITRA PARIWARA NUSANTARA [Makasar, Sulawesi Selatan, Indonesia]<a href=""><img style="float:left; margin:0 10px 10px 0;cursor:pointer; cursor:hand;" src="" border="1" alt="PT. MITRA PARIWARA NUSANTARA" id=""></a><B>PT</B>. Mitra Nusantara Pariwara is a provider of billboards and digital printing materials. Such as: Digital Printing Machine, Laser Cutting Machine, Vinyl, Sticker Sand Blast, Stickers Printing, ..../klikmapan/profile/pt-mitra-pariwara-nusantara.htmPT. MITRA PARIWARA NUSANTARA20150607110031Manufacturing, Trade, Service: PT. CLS LOGISTIC [Jakarta, Jakarta, Indonesia]<a href=""><img style="float:left; margin:0 10px 10px 0;cursor:pointer; cursor:hand;" src="" border="1" alt="PT. CLS LOGISTIC" id=""></a><B>PT</B>. CLS LOGISTIC an International freight forwarder that has been established since 2005, which head office is located in Jakarta and representative offices and warehouse in China, Singapore, Bangkok..../cls-logistic/profile/pt-cls-logistic.htmPT. CLS LOGISTIC20100908074339Service: Jasa Import ( Ekspedisi Cargo Import Door To Door Service) [Jakarta Utara, Jakarta, Indonesia]Services:
- Door to Door service from worlwide to Jakarta.
- Custom Clearance FCL
- Stuffing container, custom, document, ocean
- Warehousing/importservice/profile/jasa-import-ekspedisi-cargo-import-door-to-door-service.htmJasa Import ( Ekspedisi Cargo Import Door To Door Service)20130709071350Trade, Service: " DUA PUTRA PETIR" Telp.031-7406677 , 7407380, 08213355-5559, 088218555559, 085104600026, .... [Surabaya, Jawa Timur, Indonesia]<a href=""><img style="float:left; margin:0 10px 10px 0;cursor:pointer; cursor:hand;" src="" border="1" alt="" DUA PUTRA PETIR" Telp.031-7406677 , 7407380, 08213355-5559, 088218555559, 085104600026, ...." id=""></a>With Regards, , .
With pleasure, we will .... for a long time, we will continue to develop in-de<B>pt</B>h experiences and understanding for many years in products and steel industry - in order to remain..../jualbesisurabaya/profile/dua-putra-petir-telp-031-7406677-7407380-08213355-5559.htm" DUA PUTRA PETIR" Telp.031-7406677 , 7407380, 08213355-5559, 088218555559, 085104600026, ....20130526154506Service: PT. Cahaya Lintas Semesta [Jakarta Utara, Jakarta, Indonesia]<B>PT</B>. Cahaya Lintas Semesta ( CLS Cargo ) is forwarding import Door to Door service from worlwide to Jakarta.
Our company established since 2005, over 10 years experiences in the field of import. We..../cargo_cls/profile/pt-cahaya-lintas-semesta.htmPT. Cahaya Lintas Semesta20150810045007Trade, Service: PT.HIKMAH JAYA SENTOSA { Agent & Stockist } [Jakarta, Jakarta, Indonesia]<B>PT</B>. Hikmah Jaya Sentosa is a leading provider of automation components and devices, with the main principal is in Japan. Our company offers competitive prices to all our customers.
We are proud to..../hikmahjayasentosa/profile/pt-hikmah-jaya-sentosa-agent-stockist.htmPT.HIKMAH JAYA SENTOSA { Agent & Stockist }20150423055813Service: PT. ETERNA MULTI KREASI [Jakarta Barat, Jakarta, Indonesia]<B>PT</B>. Eterna Multi Kreasi special Aesthetics is engaged in the production, fabrication and installation of interior and exterior products for home application / residency / hotel / office / school and..../Eterna-MultiKreasi/profile/pt-eterna-multi-kreasi.htmPT. ETERNA MULTI KREASI20120914190422Manufacturing, Trade: Royal Stone Indonesia [Jakarta, Jakarta, Indonesia]<a href=""><img style="float:left; margin:0 10px 10px 0;cursor:pointer; cursor:hand;" src="" border="1" alt="Royal Stone Indonesia" id=""></a>
Royal Stone ( formerly known as <B>PT</B>. Raspari Granitonusa) is a major importer and wholesale supplier of premium quality natural stone projects for commercial and residential..../royalstoneindonesia/profile/royal-stone-indonesia.htmRoyal Stone Indonesia20151013183157Service: PT. United Trans Perkasa [Mangga Dua Raya No. 8, Jakarta, Indonesia]<a href=""><img style="float:left; margin:0 10px 10px 0;cursor:pointer; cursor:hand;" src="" border="1" alt="PT. United Trans Perkasa" id=""></a><B>PT</B>. United Trans Perkasa adalah perusahaan yang bergerak dalam bidang jasa angkutan dan pengiriman barang ke berbagai pulau / kota yang ada di Indonesia dengan moda angkutan sbb:
Jakarta -..../Unitedtransperkasa/profile/pt-united-trans-perkasa.htmPT. United Trans Perkasa20230524160425Manufacturing, Trade: PT. Anugrah Rimba Artha [Tangerang, Banten, Indonesia]<a href=""><img style="float:left; margin:0 10px 10px 0;cursor:pointer; cursor:hand;" src="" border="1" alt="PT. Anugrah Rimba Artha" id=""></a><B>PT</B>. Artha Anugrah Rimba, a limited liability company engaged in the fabrication and manufacturing. Our office and workshop is located in Cikupa, Tangerang - Banten, Indonesia, all within easy access..../Arintha_System/profile/pt-anugrah-rimba-artha.htmPT. Anugrah Rimba Artha20120516042615Trade, Service, Organizations: Konsultasi Product Indonesia [Jakarta Barat, Jakarta, Indonesia]Consulting Services that produce products and .... for the company that has been working together ( <B>PT</B>. Telgam Indo Intimate, <B>PT</B>. SKI, <B>PT</B>. Bukit S etc.) , especially the provision of HR personnel to..../Jasa_Akuntan/profile/konsultasi-product-indonesia.htmKonsultasi Product Indonesia20150309030316Manufacturing, Trade, Service: PT. PELANGI NUSA PERDANA [Jakarta Selatan, Jakarta, Indonesia]<a href=""><img style="float:left; margin:0 10px 10px 0;cursor:pointer; cursor:hand;" src="" border="1" alt="PT. PELANGI NUSA PERDANA" id=""></a>Printing and supply of electrical component parts of the business of <B>PT</B>. Pelangi Nusa Perdana.
Printing Regular / non regular, Office Needs, Needs Campaign office until the cardboard packaging..../pelanginusaperdana/profile/pt-pelangi-nusa-perdana.htmPT. PELANGI NUSA PERDANA20081023075929Trade: PT. SPEKTRA SURYA UTAMA [Jakarta Timur, Jakarta, Indonesia]<a href=""><img style="float:left; margin:0 10px 10px 0;cursor:pointer; cursor:hand;" src="" border="1" alt="PT. SPEKTRA SURYA UTAMA" id=""></a><B>PT</B>. SPEKTRA SURYA UTAMA established since 1992 that could support any industrial needs especially on Laboratory, Analytical, and environment products.
Our product, such as : Combustion and Emissions..../PTSpektraSurya/profile/pt-spektra-surya-utama.htmPT. SPEKTRA SURYA UTAMA20060119151940Manufacturing, Trade, Service: PT WEST STAR � � [JAKARTA UTARA, Jakarta, Indonesia]<a href=""><img style="float:left; margin:0 10px 10px 0;cursor:pointer; cursor:hand;" src="" border="1" alt="PT WEST STAR � �" id=""></a>We are sole distributor of world class automatic door, automatic gate, barrier gate, automation robotic parking and security products company , our products range are : road barrier.pintu gerbang..../ptweststar/profile/pt-west-star.htmPT WEST STAR � �20090305215527Trade: PT. DEVSAAN INDUSTECH [Jakarta Barat, Jakarta, Indonesia]<a href=""><img style="float:left; margin:0 10px 10px 0;cursor:pointer; cursor:hand;" src="" border="1" alt="PT. DEVSAAN INDUSTECH" id=""></a><B>PT</B>. DEVSAAN INDUSTECH, BASED IN JAKARTA-INDONESIA, SELLS VARIOUS TYPES OF POLYPROPYLENE VALVES & FITTINGS EXCLUSIVELY FOR INDUSTRIAL & PROCESS APPLICATIONS. WE STRIVE TO PROVIDE ACCURATE & TIMELY..../ppvalve/profile/pt-devsaan-industech.htmPT. DEVSAAN INDUSTECH20130912062755Trade: PT.DEVSAAN INDUSTECH [Jakarta Barat, Jakarta, Indonesia]<a href=""><img style="float:left; margin:0 10px 10px 0;cursor:pointer; cursor:hand;" src="" border="1" alt="PT.DEVSAAN INDUSTECH" id=""></a>DEVSAAN INDUSTECH IS LOCATED IN JAKARTA, INDONESIA. THIS YOUNG & DYNAMIC COMPANY IS IN THE BUSINESS OF SELLING PUMPS & ALLIED PRODUCTS, WHICH SERVE THE INDUSTRIAL, PETROLEUM & MINING SECTOR AT LARGE...../DevsaanIndustech/profile/pt-devsaan-industech.htmPT.DEVSAAN INDUSTECH20111207040045