I am interested in your bone and shell jewelry. I prefer your pendants and bone ( fake gauge) or plugs. Please let me know if you can make them.
We are a company engaged in the Expedition Cargo Ship Sea and Land Transportation We have partners throughout the country especially in most areas of Borneo. With the availability of space throughout....
We are engaged in the sale of mobile phone .... spread across most of East Java and Borneo Samarinda, Balikpapan, Tarakan and the island resort of Bali.....
Welcome GINA SHOP, A TOUCH OF NATURE IN YOUR HOME, A BREATH IN YOUR LIFE SHOP GINA was born 15 years ago from a desire which, fortunately, is driven by market demand provides a natural touch to....
Yuliana Silver is silver jewelry shop located at Legian Kuta Bali.we offer you a lot of jewelry like pendants, earring, ring , and silver ring specially combination with shell like mother pearl, ....
Ph Sound & Lighting ( phsl) is a proper rental company based in Bali with professional equipment of sound system, lighting system, band equipment and DJ equipment. With our trained human resources....
Indo Asia Sourcing adalah perusahaan di bidang supply material kayu , bamboo , meubel dan kerajinan . Kami adalah anggota Asmindo Komda Bali. Saat ini kami fokus untuk men-supply Kayu Merbau, ....
We are concern to distribute baby milk fish ( nener) , and other fish on requested. CV BMTS are majoring distribute company that from local farmer in north of Bali, we are concern in Quality.
Thank you for visiting our website! Your choice .... adeprimabambu Jl.waturenggong there are 11 Bangli Bali - Indonesia 80 613 Tel: + 62-816526354 Fax: + 62-366-91061 Email: putrawisatawan@ ....
Our business is engaged in printing, we use color printing Oliver 2, which ensures speed and accuracy of the prints. Types of services we are what we do all kinds of print, brochure printing, ....
We sell various brands of cosmetics, with prices cheaper than any store, with the best quality. We are looking for partner / distributor for the region Bali, NTT East and Indonesia. Free....
Sell a wide range of everyday cosmetics and .... also looking for new distributors in the area of Bali and NTT information: 0818345884 0361 2137810....
we produce 100% wild civet coffee with traditional processes that will give u a whole new sensation while enjoying coffee. our product is available at some supermarkets at Surabaya city and Bali....
We are a company of canned sardines that is developing and we are in Bali, Indonesia. We intend to offer of our products. They are as follws: 155gr/ 425gr Sardine in tomato sauce 125gr sard in....
PT Sampoerna Telekomunikasi Indonesia ( " STI" or .... STI' s service coverage includes Sumatera, Java, Bali and Lombok islands. Its product offerings range from basic telephony to broadband wireless....