PT. Sentral Metal Mandiri founded in 2000, first opened office in Pertokoan Glodok Jaya No. 32, Jakarta. It began as a sales agent for NIKKEN, roller chains and conveyor chains. Gradually, PT.....
We are sell anomometer, thermometer, condoctivity .... ( 081317103376) Jl. Pahlawan Revolusi No. 22B Jakarta 13430 Indonesia Phone: + 62-21-8611 259, 8611 131, 8611 212, 8611 444, 8611 449 Fax....
We are one of the fastest growing trading company specializing in the sale and distribution of high quality factory automation components. In addition, we also provide a reliable customer services to....
CV. RISENDO MEGAH is one of a supplier of electrical products for all industrial and commercial applications. We represent selected manufacturers and distribute their products and components. CV.....
Established since 2005 PT Dharaya moves in business electrical cable accessories for need of average or high voltages electrics with compartment of industry market, factory, developer, transformer....
Tempat Pusat Produksi, Jual Beli, Bikin Sedia Menjual Membuat PLAKAT, TROPHY, AWARDS , PIALA, MEDALI, Prasasti, Souvenir, PLAKAT KRISTAL, Akrilik, Granite; Resin, Jasa Cari Menyediakan Cetak....
Selamat Datang Di. CV.GLOBAL PRIMA PERKASA PERKASA............... Kami spesialis dalam mensupport ( mensuply ) kebutuhan proyek â € “ proyek industri seperti : Oil & Gas, Pipelines, Konstruksi, ....
TOKO EMPAT PUTRA PUTRI MATERIAL : Alamat : JLN.TEBET TIMUR III A-Y JAKARTA SELATAN 12820 INDONESIA TELP : 021-8384 9756 FAXS : EMAIL : cs.empatputraputrimaterial@ HP : Adalah....
Welcome at ABM Logistics Malang Indonesia. .... transport door to door KG-LCL-FTL-FCL from Denpasar, Jakarta, Semarang, Surabaya, Malang & Kupang city to all destination in Midd and East Indonesia. ....
PT. AGUNGMULIA JATIMAS Authorized Distributor TOTAL Lubricants ( JAKARTA & SOUTH SUMATERA AREA ) From simple industrial equipment to the highest technology one, TOTAL lubricants can satisfy any....
Bapak Hilman Novandi adalah Marketing Scissor Lift, Hand Lift, Harga Hand Lift, Harga Hand Pallet, Hand Lift Stacker, Hand Lift Stacker Electric, Hand Stacker, Harga Hand Pallet, Hand Stacker....
sentosa abadi packing gasket we introduce .... Office: Glodok Jaya Shopping Lt. II Block B no.9 West Jakarta Tel: 0851 0165 3220 Hp: 08577 9441 780 - 0878 7630 0066 Fax: 021-6230 8386 BETWEEN....
Welcome to the PT. AGUNG JAYA SENTOSA. We are a company engaged in the SUPPLIER DISTRIBUTOR SUGAR ( groceries) , are willing to accommodate orders large and small parties. We intended to help or....