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rss RSS: Rectifiers - Hong Kong SAR : Bangladesh
Result 1-3 of 3Searched the Company List for Bangladesh
Pak Ko Garment Equipment Co., Ltd.  Feb. 20, 2014 5:33:32

The company was founded in 1984, for the clothing .... Hong Kong, China, Japan, Korea, India, Sri Lanka, Bangladesh, the United States and other European countries. The company will continue its....

[Hong Kong, Hong Kong SAR]
Chems Co., Limited  Jul. 26, 2013 5:09:34

Our products and system solutions contribute to .... offices in Ukraine, LTU, Poland, Brazil, Mexico and Bangladesh to develop markets.. Our productions are including Monopentaerythritol( 130, 000mt....

[Hong Kong, Hong Kong, Hong Kong SAR]
ForwardCompany  Jul. 29, 2007 23:47:08

Established in 1974, we are manufacturer/ exporter .... produciton of garments. Our production plants in Bangladesh can provide cheaper labor costs in making items of basic line. Quality of garments....

[Shatin, Hong Kong SAR]
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