PT. Rajawali Perkasa Utama provide a high quality of Plywood through certain process with a strict quality control activity. Plywood made by our company have proven to be preferred choice in Sumatra....
As we know that crop if without fertilized a result will not be optimal, fertilization have to be proportional ( precise dose , effective ( complete element NPK mejemuk of macro and micro element....
The Only One on Jambi...! ! ! Complete, Accurate, and Quick Action...! ! ! Contact Us at Mr. ALI AHMAD ( 081366133575 / 081532212121 ) or HARSYAH REZA ARIF ( 08973862857 / 081927551544 )
We are engaged in retail sales of building material goods such as cement, sand, spilit, rocks split, brick, con blocks, gravel, iron, pipes, electric tools which are domiciled in the city of Jambi.....
PT. Sedayu Citra Mobil Truck & Bus is the only car dealership Hyundai Truck & Bus in the city of Jambi. PT. Sedayu Citra Mobil Truck & Bus selling any car products like as Hyundai, Foton, GreatWall, ....
Our Company Coal Mine and Trading in Jambi .... submit an official request letter addressed to: PT.KMN COAL TRADERS email: kmn_ coal@ Phone: + 628566373900....
Trading Coal Mine, General Kontraktor.Transportation , Peralatan Komputer, Bibit dan Usaha Pertanian, Peternakan, Perikanan.Kehutanan Peralatan Tulis , Percetakan Kantor, Pergudangan, Perlengkapan....
Supplier for Medical Equipment, Laboratory Equipment, Reagent, Hospital Furniture, Implant Kit, Obgyn Bed, School Model Equipment, Waste and Water Treatment.
We are a company which is renting Tug Boat, Barge and Ferry
Trading, Contractor dan suplayer ( Seluruh barang tambang, produk agrobisnis, perkapalan, property, dll )
Coal Mining, Trading, Kontraktor, Suplayer, etc
Betelnut is our business. We collect, process & export betelnut.
Engineering, Procurement and Construction
our lines business are selling, buying and taking over the COAL mine.
Please be introduced ourselves as one of the coal mining and trading from Jambi. Mine location : Ds. Rantau Pandan, Kab. Muara Bungo. Stock Pile : Talang Dukuh Port, Jambi