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Tukang Taman Jakarta - Cipta Karya Taman ( DF-indogreen)

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Tukang Taman Jakarta - Cipta Karya Taman ( DF-indogreen)
Tukang Taman Jakarta - Cipta Karya Taman ( DF-indogreen)
Welcome to
Tukang Taman Jakarta - Cipta Karya Taman ( DF-indogreen)


CIPTA KARYA TAMAN AND LANDSCAPE GARDEN DESIGN . Landscaping and gardening present home and your office . with our expertise and experience in the field of planning, design , development and maintenance of various kinds and types of gardens will we dedicate our best work for you .
you call , we come survey the location , design process , deal, done immediately .

Serving manufacture :
1 . Various types of parks ( modern minimalist )
2 . Mini elephant grass planting , grass japan , golf grass and various other types of grass
3 . Planning and design decorations , fountains , fish ponds and water wall .

4 . We also specialize in the field of construction of carport to garage floors and pedestrian paths in the park home or your office .
5 . We are also experts in the manufacture and gazebo plans for indoor and outdor tamn
Ornamental plants , other antrara
â € ¢ Bonsai dollar / iprik â € ¢ Pule
â € ¢ Fir shrimp â € ¢ Pandan Bali
â € ¢ â € ¢ Prune mas squirrel tail
â € ¢ Suko â € ¢ Selikornia
â € ¢ Prune yellow â € ¢ Lili paris Haway
â € ¢ Kerokot â € ¢ Taiwan
â € ¢ Ferns centipede â € ¢ Lamtana
â € ¢ â € ¢ Pineapple shells Landep
â € ¢ Croton â € ¢ Soka
â € ¢ Jasena â € ¢ red Tablo
â € ¢ daughter â € ¢ red areca palm
â € ¢ palm â € ¢ palm squirrels Sadeng
â € ¢ bottle palm , and various types of palm
â € ¢ and many other types of ornamental plants .
Specifications for a mini elephant grass and the like . .
â € ¢ mini elephant grass
â € ¢ grass golf
â € ¢ grass SWIS
â € ¢ Japanese grass
â € ¢ grass tripe
â € ¢ peking grass , etc.

For Jakarta and surrounding areas , we offer a free site survey and consultation . thank you

for more info contact :

Dafid ( df - IndoGreen ) - jakarta gardener

Contact Dafid - florist

Phone : 081586673319 / 0813313267270 / 2909AAA6

Office : JL . Masjid Al Anwar North Sukabumi - Swamp belong West Jakarta .

Email : david_ie83@ ymail.com
web : http: / / tukangtamanjakarta-ciptakaryataman.blogspot.com

http: / / dafid-florist .blogspot.com

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