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Freon / Refrigerant Evacuation System ( Penampung freon )
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Refrigerant Evacuation System ( freon container) : " GO GREEN"
Functioning as a tool u / evacuate or to accommodate a variety of Freon R 12, 22, 134a, 404a, 502, etc. of the chiller units, air conditioning, water chiller, etc., into the tubes, before doing repair work or overhoule

if the freon is leaking into the atmosphere could cause global warming, and the depletion of the Ozone lampisan. ( Global Warming)

By using this tool can save up to 95% freon, from leaks to the atmosphere, so it is very efficient once to avoid loss of freon.

Info :
Phone : 031-70081828 / 77367404
Mobile : 08123064731
Email : anassyair@ yahoo.com

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