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    communicating pipeline PVC pipe extruder production line machinery

    communicating pipeline PVC pipe extruder production line machinery

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    * feature and application
    It is mainly used to produce PVC high strength communicating perforated pipe. It has reasonable body, easy to operate, high degree of automatization, stable and reliable when it successively produces, can rapidly produce. The main material of PVC high strength communicating perforated pipe is high density PVC. Three plastic extruders together extrude molded pipes, which are mainly used as cover of cable and optical cable in freeway network communication project.
    Features of communicating pipeline:
    1. stress resistance and aging resistance. Using high-quality improved PVC project plastic extrudes once, with high strength of shaping molding, the inner grid shape forms physics
    Steel structure, its rigidity is 10-100 times higher than common plastic pipe. It is not necessary to envelop, can replace steel tube put through the road safely. Smolder (namely the ability of quenching is good), anti corrosion, aging resistance, with the longevity of over 50 years.
    Comparation of stress resistance strength of some commonly used underground communicating pipeline:
    sort Double-wall
    corrugated pipe PE smooth-wall pipe Single-hole grid pipe
    stress resistance strength(Kn/m2) 9.2 10.2 144
    stress resistance strength percentage 100% 111% 1565%
    Remark: data in the table are from the testing report of National Chemical building materials quality supervision and inspection center.
    2. good flexibility, bend freely. The height of bent chord of 6-meter long pipe can be more than 1.2 meters. If direction need to change, special bent head can be conjuncted. In construction, it can easily keep away from crooked road or situation where it crosses other pipelines.
    3. construction convenient, saving labor and time. The protecting cover and individual pipe come into one, not necessary to thread the individual pipe for second time, cable can be threaded after being paved once, so it can avoid distortion and kinking of individual pipe when threaded for the second time and the trouble of confused taxis and repeated construction. It is easy to convey. The inner wall is smooth so that the pipe can be easily threaded. There is assembling mark in the interface, arrangement and conjuncture are in order. High strength of stress resistance, buried depth is only required 0.3-0.5 meters, no need to make foundation and cement covering. Firstly backfill 20-centimeter fine sand and then backfill earth, and then, it is open to traffic, no need to make foundation and cement covering when crossing the road. If PE corrugated pipe cross the road, steel tube should be conjuncted ( quantity of steel used is large, cost is high, need to be welded, construction is cumbersome, easy to corrode, longevity is short). Irrigation of cement need a maintenance period. Optical cable can only be threaded when the individual pipe is threaded twice. Construction time can be shortened nearly 1/2 with the grid pipe than using PE/ corrugated pipe, nearly 3/5 than using cement and steel tube.
    4. high utilization ratio, low full cost. Structure of the inner grid is square, combined with the protecting cover and individual pipe into one. The effective space of the inner aperture is large. It is usable when cutted and conjuncted, so material used can be saved and the cost of the project, which can be saved nearly 20% than using PE corrugated pipe, is low. It even can replace steel pipe, so the investment can be saved 50% thereabout.

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