CHARLIEsps is a company of selling printing ink screen printing, screen printing equipment, screen printing equipment.
The products we sell are quality products and have been formulated so that our products are environmentally friendly.
 We sell more than 300 products. ranging from screen printing inks, adhesives, additives, aluminum screen, screen mesh to the engine.
 besides, we are also constantly developing your relationship with working in the field of printing, distribution, printing, garment, textile, and potential distributors and manufacturers. if you want to work with us in terms of screen printing.
The products we sell are quality products and have been formulated so that our products are environmentally friendly.
 We sell more than 300 products. ranging from screen printing inks, adhesives, additives, aluminum screen, screen mesh to the engine.
 besides, we are also constantly developing your relationship with working in the field of printing, distribution, printing, garment, textile, and potential distributors and manufacturers. if you want to work with us in terms of screen printing.