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Name:Mr. Frasianto P Aribowo
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WhatsApp: 085228593709 085228593709
Mobile Number:Mobile number of Mr. Frasianto P Aribowo at Bantul
Phone Number:Phone number of Mr. Frasianto P Aribowo at Bantul
Address:Bantul, Yogyakarta
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Registration Date:Jun. 25, 2024
Last Updated:Nov. 4, 2014
Business Nature:Manufacturing, Trade of Health & Beauty category

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Cartilage ( C)
Rp 110000, - / bottle @ 60 capsules

Help filling liquid ( ' oil' ) + controlling knee joint pain in osteoarthritis patients

Cartilage or Osteoarthritis is a degenerative joint disease that marked the emergence of a cause arthritis and joint pain and even paralysis, especially in the elderly ( seniors) . This happens due to the loss of the cartilage that protects the ends of bones true. Cartilage becomes rough, causing friction and inflammation. The shape of the damage is due to structural changes pengkikisan cartilage that causes pain and stiffness until the swelling.
The basic problem of the case is reduced / loss

joint fluid is commonly called ' oline crunchy' . At diagnosis is inaccurate, mistaken for gout or rheumatism. Harm the diagnosis will go wrong then treatment. Nowadays Osteoarthritis can infect humans at an early age ( 40 years late) due to improper diet and lifestyle that is irregular.

Ingredients: extracts of leaf cottonwoods, mandingan, and hibiscus.
Cottonwoods leaf extract has active compounds: saponins, flavonoids, and tannins. Serves: lowering uric acid levels, relieve pain, reduce inflammation in patients with osteoarthritis and can stimulate the release of synovial fluid, so that the friction between the bones can be muted.
Mandingan leaf extract has active compounds: alkaloids, saponins, flavonoids, tannins, protein, fat, calcium, phosphorus, iron and vitamins ( A, B1, C) . Function: nourish the body so that the body metabolism smooth, remove uric acid in the body through the urine, so as not to nourish the bones brittle.
Hibiscus leaf extract has active compounds: saponins, flavonoids and phenols. Functioning: an antidote to free radicals.

Benefits, help
Filling fluid ( ' oil' ) in the joint synovial bone
Overcoming cartilage, inflammation and joint pain
Preventing / overcoming bone loss ( osteoporosis)
Patang bone healing, rheumatism and gout

Dose and time of consumption

Morning and Evening: @ 3-4 capsules

Taken before / after eating.

NB: very good if combined with IMMUNO POWER

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