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TOKOCSC - Full Cream Milk Powder, Skim Milk Powder, Butter Milk Powder, Whey Powder, AMF, BOS, Butter Modified, Non Dairy Creamer, Raisins, coconut powder (tepung santan), dessicated coconut, Selai, cake cases, chocolates, Margarine, Minyak Goreng, etc. E
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Mr. Yongky [Sales]


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Phone number of Mr. Yongky at Denpasar

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Mobile number of Mr. Yongky at Denpasar

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Fax number of Mr. Yongky at Denpasar


Jl. Trengguli I A-3
Denpasar 80238, Bali

+ 62817319299
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Susu Bubuk Baker' s Pride - Milk Powder Substitute -Industrial Dairy Substitute Baker' s Pride[Oct. 12, 2011 18:54:01]
Quantity Order:
Pack. & Delivery25 kg per sak
Full cream milk powder prices increasing resulting in some bakery can not use milk because it bumped the price of addressing this, there is change their recipe by not using powdered milk anymore.

Here TOKOCSC innovation Offered full cream powdered milk substitute that soaring price so less and less affordable to middle bakery.

Milk powder Baker ' s Pride is a solution to substitute full cream powdered milk that cost the higher the category Industrial dairy substitute ( substitute milk powder) with a kosher certificate from the MUI and has terdaftardi BPOM

Well, you waiting for! ! and bakery, bakery recipes do not need to change which affects the flavor of bakery products and its impact could lose customers in this regard. To try to contact us at
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