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Name:Mrs. Nursidah BT Amud [Director/CEO/General Manager]
Instant Messaging:
Google Talk:  cahayaasyihin@gmail.com  cahayaasyihin@gmail.com
Y!: cahaya_asyihin 
Mobile Number:Mobile number of Mrs. Nursidah BT Amud at Jakarta Selatan
Phone Number:Phone number of Mrs. Nursidah BT Amud at Jakarta Selatan
Fax Number:Fax number of Mrs. Nursidah BT Amud at Jakarta Selatan
Address:Gd. Cyber Lt. 7 Jl. Kuningan Barat No. 8
Jakarta Selatan 12710, Jakarta
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Registration Date:May. 24, 2023
Last Updated:Oct. 16, 2011
Business Nature:Trade of Electronics & Electrical category

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Company Brief

CAHAYA ASYIHIN Co., Ltd. is a Foreign Company in General Trading and Import - Export with shareholder Malaysian and Indonesian. Organized at 2007 years.

Resent Product :
In this new millennium, electronic devices have become a common usage by most people in many different ways. Religiously, a new method of memorizing DOA has also been introduced.DIGITAL AUDIO HAJJ is one of the many invention that can be used mainly for the purpose of speeding up user' s memorizing effort specially designed for Hajj and Umrah pilgrimage. This simplified MP3 type of voice-recorded playback unit can be used just by a single touch to the button in which the desired ' DOA' can be listened to. With a help of a flesh-memory type of Integrated Circuit, the unit can be repeatedly listened to from any topics at any time thus can help building up user' s memory capability.

DIGITAL AUDIO HAJJ can be operated just by applying AAA alkaline batteries ( X2) . With all accessories such as a pair of earphone, a neck strap for hanging the product and a pair of AAA batteries provided, the usage becomes conveniently easy and fast. DIGITAL AUDIO HAJJ can also be listened to during a certain ibadah or pray at the correct place and time. This handphone-sized unit can be carried around and played once reaching all the important places of ' ibadah' . With one touch, a user can find a correct topic to phrase and ' DOA' thus creating the ' ibadah' itself into perfection.

Major Products / Services
    Sebuah alat elektronik yang berisi KUMPULAN DOA-DOA HAJI dan UMRAH yang didesain dalam bentuk Digital Audio Play Back.

    Dengan alat ini JAMAAH Haji dan Umrah selain bisa membaca Doa dan Niat dengan mudah dan praktis, juga bisa memahami dan menghayati setiap lantunan Doa dengan mendengarkan melalui sebuah alat pendengar earphone atau alat yang disambungkan dari alat unit DIGITAL AUDIO HAJI ke telinga kita. Alat ini ukurangnya kecil dan sangat ringan bisa dibawa kemana-mana juga bisa digunakan saat Thawaf dan Sa'i.

    KUMPULAN DOA-DOA dilantunkan dalama Bahasa Arab dan Terjemahan Indonesia dengan bahasa yang Fasih dan Jelas, sangat mudah diikuti oleh Jamaah, sehingga alat ini bisa berfungsi sebagai pembimbing atau imam.

    Urutan Doa-doa dan Niat sesuai dengan MANASIK DEPAG RI, mulai dari persiapan atau Doa ketika keluar Rumah s/ d Doa setelah Thawaf wadha.
    An electronic device that contained the DOA HAJJ COLLECTION and UMRAH that were designed in the form of Digital Audio Play Back.

    With this implement the congregation of the Hajj and Umrah apart from could read the Prayer and the Intention easily and practically, also could understand and experience each ricochet of the Prayer fully with listen to through a hearing-aid earphone or the implement that was connected from the DIGITAL AUDIO HAJI unit implement to our ears.
    This implement his measurement was small and very light could be brought everywhere also could be used during Thawaf and Sa'i.

    The DOA COLLECTION was sung out in Arabic with the Fluent and Clear language, really was easy to be followed by the congregation, so as this implement could function as the guide or the priest.
    Untuk menyambut tahun haji 2008/ 2009, kami mencoba memberikan yang berbeda pada Jamaah Haji di tahun ini, dengan mendesain sebuah Jaket yang sudah dirancang sedemikian rupa untuk membuat para Jamaah merasa nyaman dan tebantu pada busana yang mereka kenakan, Jaket yang Fashionable juga Multifungsi.

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