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Salah satu hal paling penting untuk memastikan Anda keselamatan dan keamanan di laut adalah adanya alat pengukur perahu yang akurat. Pada Boatersland, kami pastikan untuk menyediakan semua jenis alat ukur metering dan yang akan meningkatkan pengalaman Anda berperahu. Dari kedalaman dan suhu, angin kekuatan dan kapasitas bahan bakar, Anda dapat yakin bahwa semua alat pengukur laut penting yang Anda butuhkan di sini untuk Anda pilih.

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  • JUAL KAMERA Thermal Imager Kamera di kegelapan Flir First Mate Hand Held Thermal Imager 240 X 180 Pixel /

    JUAL KAMERA Thermal....


    FLIR First Mate

    The FLIR First Mate gives every mariner the power to see at night like never before. The worldâ € ™ s first waterproof, hand held, high-performance maritime....

  • Alat pengukur kedalaman di dalam laut / Humminbird HDR 650 In-Dash Digital Depth sounder

    Alat pengukur....


    Humminbird HDR 650 In-Dash Digital Depthsounder

    Includes two face plates and three trim rings so you can customize your depth sounder. Pick from a white or black face plate, ....

  • Alat pengukur kedalaman dan suhu di dalam laut untuk penyelam / Faria Chesapeake Black SS Depth Sounder with Air and Water Temperature

    Alat pengukur....


    A multiline 2" LCD displays temperature and depth. Set it to display Air temp or Water temp and change it with a simple push button. Know exactly what the temperature is and how....

  • Alat pengukur kedalaman di dalam laut untuk penyelam / Faria Chesapeake White SS Depth Sounder

    Alat pengukur....


    Faria Engineers have incorporated the latest microprocessor technology and proprietary software designed to take advantage of Air Marâ € ™ s high performance transducers. As a....

  • Alat pengukur kedalaman di dalam laut untuk penyelam

    Alat pengukur....


    Faria Engineers have incorporated the latest microprocessor technology and proprietary software designed to take advantage of Air Marâ € ™ s high performance transducers. As a....

  • Alat pengukur kedalaman dan suhu di dalam laut untuk penyelam / Lowrance LST-3800 Depth/ Temp Gauge

    Alat pengukur....


    High-contrast dot matrix display with advanced LED backlighting
    Depth capability to 700 feet ( 213 m)
    High-performance, low-profile, transom-mount, 200 kHz Skimmer ® transducer....

  • Fishfinder Alat pencari ikan / Furuno FCV-295 10.4" Fish Finder

    Fishfinder Alat....


    The FCV-295 is a new color digital sounder designed for a variety of professional fishing operations. It features a bonded â € ˜ fogging-freeâ € ™ 10.4" LCD display providing superior....

  • Fishfinder Alat Pencari Ikan / FishEasy 350C Fishfinder Portable

    Fishfinder Alat....


    Fishfinder performance in a compact portable case.

    New brighter 3.5" ( 8.9 cm) diagonal screen
    256-color, active matrix TFT LCD
    High-definition 320Vx240H resolution
    200 kHz....

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