need soursoup supplier 15-20 tons/ month, price Rp. 1300/ kg, call 08126093876
Our company moving in fruits and plastics recycle area and auto accesoris.
Looking for Jabon( Kelempayan) logs with sizes of minimum 10 inches by 10 inches. Length of 7ft ( 2.3 m)
We, PT. Ratimdo Utama, are a wood working factory based in Medan, North Sumatera, Indonesia since 2003. We are focused towards serving export markets, such as the Japanese, Korean, Australian, ....
Looking for: Nepenthes espc from east indonesia region, like papua, NTB, NTT, Timor, Sulawesi, East Kalimantan, Maluku, etc email: tks4ady at gmail dot com
Look 4 nepenthes seeds, pls contact us, esp from Aceh, Papua, Sulawesi, Maluku, NTB, NTT, East Kalimantan, Timor ( other east Indonesia region)
we needed singkong for tapioca from Sumatera Utara
Regards, If Mr / Ms has a shell with the quality of exports, please call us or email data data shell Specifications Mr / Ms laboratory test results and monthly quantity and price that you offer....
we bought the shell of palm with the best price
We are in need of an egg box. we need 200 boxes in a month. if you who have egg boxes please contact us at 085296189700
Business Asma Ul Karomah is a website that sells electronic goods are unique - unique, Herbs, Muslim clothing, Batik, Tasbih, etc. and the price offered is relatively inexpensive and competitive.....
Buy whole Candlenut without shell. No quantity limit of buy as long as product is in whole and white. Location Sumatra and Java island only. Contact Bahari ( + 62 85261694168 or + 62 85359629288 ) ....
Buy and Sell in Multi Agribusiness Products.
need unit tugboat & barge 300ft thn 2008 - 2009 engine caterpillar 1200x2 hp
join venture info business , trading agrobusiness, cocoa,
We buying charcoal with the following specifications: 1. Water level max: 13% 2. Liver max Ash: 3% 3. Carbon lever: 80% 4. The most Important, our coconut shell charcoal in clean and good....
CV.Anju Charcoal is a company engaged in the field of agribusiness. Established since 2002. And is based in North Sumatra. We sell and buy charcoal with the following specifications: 1. Water....
menerima kepiting bakau dari size 150 up
Dibeli Power Supply dan Mother Board Rusak Laptop Rusak min Pentium 3 ke atas
Computer periheral, Web Developer , Sofware Enginerring, Networking, Mikrotik
We are a regular Buyer of Kiln Dried mixed hardwood Dowel. Diameter of dowel are 38mm and 35mm. Length 1480, 1120, 915mm. If you are able to supply please send email to hanssalim@ we will....
Our company is dealing with timber products from mills around Indonesia. We are a buying agent for our customers in Europe, Australia and Asia. We are sourcing for wood working mills that can supply....
we are interesting to buy 10.000 hectar lands. we are looking forwards your cooperations
we are interesting to buy 10.000 hectar land in indonesia, looking forward to hear your news and cooperate
Di beli Seahorse / Kuda laut yang dikeringkan untuk keperluan obat, kwantiti banyak, harga bersaing.
We are a home industry that produce Organic virgin coconut oil wit traditional method, our capacity of production is 10.000 litre - 30.000 litre per month with our staff and workers are about less....
We would like to purchase for materials with specs as above