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    JASA KALIBRASI ALAT UKUR -Nur Royan Inter Scales- JASA TERA / JASA JUSTIR Semua Jenis Alat Ukur,  Alat Takar,  Alat Timbang. Ruang lingkup kerja kami adalah : Besaran Massa,  Besaran Dimensional,  Besaran Tekanan,  Besaran Gaya,  Besaran Kelistr

    JASA KALIBRASI ALAT UKUR -Nur Royan Inter Scales- JASA TERA / JASA JUSTIR Semua Jenis Alat Ukur, Alat Takar, Alat Timbang. Ruang lingkup kerja kami adalah : Besaran Massa, Besaran Dimensional, Besaran Tekanan, Besaran Gaya, Besaran Kelistr

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    Specification :

    Our company PT. PT. Nur Royan Inter Scales Field of; MEASURING EQUIPMENT SERVICES KALIBRASI with experience for over 20 years.

    The scope of our work are as follows:
    * The mass quantities.
    * Dimensional quantity.
    * Magnitude pressure.
    * Magnitude Hollywood.
    * The size of Electricity.
    * Magnitude Temp.

    Activities of PT. Nur Royan Inter Scales are:

    * Providing calibration services to industrial, scientific societies and individuals, among others in the field of temperature / Thermometry, Electricity, pressure, force, Volumetric, and dimension calibration procedure according to fully follow the guidelines established Quality System within ISO/ IEC Guide 25 ( which will immediately replaced by ISO / IEC 17025 or BSN 19-17025.2005) .
    * Provide consulting services in the field of measurement and calibration techniques.
    * Providing services services ( improvements / repairs) and instruments measuring instrument measure, weigh equipment, and tools.
    * Conducting commissioning instrumentation in industrial measurement.
    * Conducting courses / training for areas that are relevant, in the form of regular programs and orders ( custom-tailored) according to customer needs.

    measure samples in the calibration:

    ( Fixed Measure Calibration tank, calibration scales and weigh stations, calibration level gauge, automatic level calibration, calibration transmeter, measuring cup calibration, calibration of laboratory instruments, and other measuring instruments of all types) such as:

    tacometer, barometer, altimeter, gps, teodolith, waterpass, Telecommunications gauge OTDR, TDR, Subscriber Line Tester, Meter SDH, xDSL, DATACOM Analyzer, Fusion Splicer, Light Source, Power Meter, Lost Test Set, Optical Talk Set, Telephone Test Set, Insulation Tester, Tone Checker, Protocol Analyzer, Spectrum Analyzer, spectrum analyzers, analyzer pressure, communication analyzers, power meters, synthesized Sweeper, Power Sensor, Respirometer, Atmometer, Calorimeter, ruler, Fuller gage, multi-tester, slide rule siku2, geometric measure, Amperemeter, Voltmeter , cosQ meters, watt meters, frequency meter, Kwh meter, megger, Eart tester, etc.

    KINDS OF OTHER MEASURING TOOLS, which we do include;
    Electronic and Mechanical Scales ( 1 gram kapst. - 10 Ton)
    Weigh Bridge Electronic and Mechanical ( kapst 30 Ton - 100 Ton)
    Tank ( capacity of 20 kilo liters - 20, 000 kilo liter)

    Measure the tank Stay | Level Gauge | Transmeter | Automatic Level | Viscometer | fiscometer | Thermometer | Glass Measure | truck scale | Laboratory Scale | trans metter | electronic scale | scale mechanical | level gauge | gauge tank fixed | cylindrical tanks | flowmetter | thermometer | thermo hygraph | hygrometer | refrektometer | flow meter | automatic tank gauge | pressure gauge | balance of the substitution | conduktivitimeter | moisture analyzer | Viscometer | graduated vessel | manometer dead weight tester | pressure switches | microscopy | pneumatic Calibrator | Laboratory Equipment Measurement | And More other

    MEASURING EQUIPMENT SERVICES KALIBRASI the services mengkalibarasi / her tera / justir to all types of measuring devices used in industry, telecommunications, health, trade and others.

    In this case we have a business license issued by the calibration DEPARTMENT OF TRADE DIRECTORATE metrology.

    In the era of globalization, this fast-paced. We offer nationally certified calibration services to the ministry no later than 10 working days.

    Our PT. NRIC professional labor support ditiap type gauge with a minimum work experience 10 yrs.

    We also provide services service / repair all types of measuring instruments for industry and commerce.

    contact person:

    Pilanto Nurachman
    081114 1833 0812111 5845

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