Registration Date:
May. 24, 2023 - Last Updated: Feb. 10, 2012
Business Nature
Manufacturing, Trade, Service of Industrial Supplies category
or Put on Company Partner

Company Brief

PT BUMI MATARITAMA ( BUMA) is a company which is engaged in a Supporting, Service, Machinery, Engineering and construction. And is located in East Jakarta. PT BUMA founded in 2000, which has official permission 01.973.737.8-002.000 industry with tax ID.

PT BUMI MATARITAMA committed to be one reliable company by implementing a quality management system and capable of providing quality supported with facilities and human resources capable and experienced, so it can provide a solution to the problems faced by the customer. PT BUMA very optimistic that the efforts made will bring BUMA be better, as well as our commitment to continuous improvement of management level employees to the level of service.

PT BUMI MATARITAMA is the best partner for customers because of our commitment to deliver more than customer expectations by creating long term relationships BUMA make a strong and professional industry through transfer of technology and creativity as well as the protection of Almighty Allah, then be able to contribute to the prosperity of the Indonesian nation.

The business of PT BUMI MATARITAMA:
Component manufacturing process using the tools and CNC machines among others of Milling ( frais) , Lathe ( turning) , Shaping ( scrap) . The resulting product ( workshop lathes) are factory machines and machine components.
Process design and build machines to suit the wishes of the customer, such as the tester ( UTM) and light production machine.
The process of designing the structure of iron / steel to suit the wishes of the customer Like:
- Truck scale ( truck scale) .
- Screw Conveyor and Conveyor.
- Bagging Scale.
- Animal Scale ( Animal Weighing) .
- Weighing cattle.

For more information contact :
Muhammad Mubarraq.
PT. Bumi Mataritama. ( BUMA)
ALAMAT KANTOR: Jl. Pahlawan Revolusi No.22 B Pondok Bambu Duren Sawit Jakarta Timur 13430

TELEPON : 021- 8613346/ 8601862.
Faximile : ( 021) 8618992.
Handphone : 0813 1004 5708, ( 021) 940 48 734.

Email: sales@
atau: bumata@
atau: cs_bumata@
atau kunjungi Website kami:

Major Products / Services

  • Seller

    Engineering, Construction, dan manufacturing

    PT BUMI MATARITAMA merupakan perusahaan yang salah satunya bergerak dalam bidang workshop, Adapun produk yang di produksi antara lain
    - Macam-macam roda gigi ( gear)
    - Roll Drive Rotary Moulder
    - Block & Support mesin
    - Gear dan Sproket
    - Agitator Blade
    - Berbagai macam shaft
    - Cooling Jacket for Die Frame
    - Flange dan Plat Pivot
    - Bushing Lock / Bushing Adjuster
    - Worm Gear ( Gear Box )
    - Spare part material nylon
    - Canopy & Railing tangga
    - Brake Drum & Swing
    - Block Hammer
    - Joint thremi ( Seling dan drat )
    - Shaft Rotary Joint ( Washing / Preparation )
    - Rak Spare part & trolley
    - Animal Scale ( Timbangan Hewan )
    - Floor Scale ( Timbangan lantai )