BukuPaket CERITA BINATANG Berima Dua Bahasa
This book was the story of animals in the Quran, which contains a message of unity, steadfastness, patience, courage, compassion, and other noble values.
These stories can be " entrance" is fascinating for children to learn the Quran.
Using a style of rhyming language, convey the spirit of the Quran story as well as the spirit of the Quran language.
Presented through various media, ie text, images, music, songs, oral, as well as games, which helped develop the " mutiple intelligences ( multiple intelligences) .
Consists of:
Story Book Volume 12
1 CD Song Chips
1 Chips CD Audio Book & Audio Book Flash
2 Flash Cards & Puzzle
Matching Picture Book Volume 1
1 Hand Puppet
Parents Handbook Volume 1 + Dictionary Vocabulary, and
1 Dus Gift Multifunction
For booking, contact:
Mizan Book Advisor,
Hj.Farida Mardiawati, S.Ag., S. Sos.
tehfida@ yahoo.co.id