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BORNEO-West Kalimantan Handycraft-Tribalart Shop
`\'Artifact - Handycraft - Tribal Art - Antique from West Borneo/Kalimantan\"
Contact Information

Mr. A. Kenny Kumala [Owner/Entrepreneur]



Phone Number:

Phone number of Mr. A. Kenny Kumala at Singkawang, West Kalimantan

Mobile Number:

Mobile number of Mr. A. Kenny Kumala at Singkawang, West Kalimantan

Fax Number:

Fax number of Mr. A. Kenny Kumala at Singkawang, West Kalimantan


Jl. P. Diponegoro 22
Singkawang, West Kalimantan 79123, Kalimantan Barat

= + 62811563090
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10. Kain tenun Sintang " Kepiting" ( ISD 1059a)

Rp. 210,000,-

Handmade with traditional motive, it needs about two weeks to finish 1 piece of this product.
9. Kain tenun Sintang " Tambat Manuk" ( ISD 1249a)

Rp. 225,000 ,-

Handmade with traditional motive, it needs about two weeks to finish 1 piece of this product.
8. Kain tenun Sintang " Tambat Manuk" ( IKA 0855)

Rp. 675,000 ,-

Handmade with traditional motive, it needs about two weeks to finish 1 piece of this product.
7. Kain tenun Sintang " Sandung Cecak" ( IKB 0915)
Handmade with traditional motive, it needs about two weeks to finish 1 piece of this product.
6. Kain tenun Sintang " Meninjan" ( IKB 0825)

Rp. 1,050,000,-

Handmade with traditional motive, it needs about two weeks to finish 1 piece of this product.
5. Kain tenun Sintang " Pelangka" ( IKA 0815)

Rp. 1,170,000,-

Handmade with traditional motive, it needs about two weeks to finish 1 piece of this product.
3. Kain tenun Sintang " Tiang Berkurung"

Rp. 1,275,000

Handmade with traditional motive, it needs about two weeks to finish 1 piece of this product
4. Kain tenun Sintang " Tiang Bekurung" ( IKA 0410)

Rp. 1,050,000

Handmade with traditional motive, it needs about two weeks to finish 1 piece of this product
2. Kain tenun Sintang - " Pucuk Rebung"

Rp. 1.050.000,-

Handmade with traditional motive, it needs about two weeks to finish 1 piece of this product
0. Bidai: Gambar detail
Material 0f the Bidai/ Lampit is a best selection of rattan ( which is hard) . The color of black rattan is in a process of cooking the raw rattan in water for 12 hours and mixed....
1. Bidai/ Lampit - Rattan Mat " Jalur Hitam"

6 ukuran: Rp. 260.000 s/d 1.750.000

Rattan Mat from West Kalimantan, the colour are natural, traditional process
1. Kain tenun Sintang - " Sempepat Perahu"

Rp. 1,235,000

Loosely, linen handmade from, Sintang-West Kalimantan ( Borneo) all the color process by natural, no chemical color.
6. Bidai/ Lampit - Rattan Mat: " Silet Motif Putih" .

6 ukuran/size antara Rp. 260.000 s/d 1.750.000

Rattan Mat from West Kalimantan ( Borneo) , the colors of the Rattan are natural process.
4. Bidai/ Lampit - Rattan Mat: " Motif Rantai" .

6 ukuran/size antara Rp. 260.000 s/d 1.750.000

Rattan Mat from West Kalimantan ( Borneo) made by the Dayak Etnic.
3. Bidai/ Lampit - Rattan Mat: " Motif Hitam" .

6 ukuran/size antara Rp. 260.000 s/d 1.750.000

Tikar Bidai/ Lampit, Rattan Mat, from West Kalimantan ( Borneo) .
2. Bidai/ Lampit -Rattan Mat " Motif Jalur"

6 ukuran/size antara Rp. 260.000 s/d 1.750.000

Rattan Mat from West Kalimantan ( Borneo) Indonesia, natural colors
5. Bidai/ Lampit- Rattan Mat: : " Silet Motif Hitam" .

6 ukuran/size antara Rp. 260.000 s/d 1.750.000

Rattan Mat ' Bidai' from West Kalimantan ( Borneo) Dayak Etnic.
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