Specification :
Chemical name: 1, 2, 3-Benzotriazole( BTA)
CAS No.: 95-14-7
Molecular weight: 119.13
Chemical formula: C6H5N3
Appearance: White crystal or sheet, granular, needle-like, powdery
Purity( % ) : 99.5 min
Melting point: 96-99
Water content( % ) : 0.1max
Ash content( % ) : 0.05max
PH value: 5...3-6.3
Use: Mainly used in the metal' s( silver, lead, nickel, zinc, copper) antirust and corrosion moderating, widely used in antirust oil, copper and alloy copper' s moderating corrosion, water circulation treatment, antifogging agent, macromolecule stabilizer, plant growth regulator, lubricating oil additive, ultraviolet absorber etc...This product also can cooperate with many kinds of dirt prevention and germs killing, especially and household detergent to the corrosion.