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Jl. Pungkur No 115 B
Bandung 40251, Jawa Barat

Showroom & Workshop Jl Raya Banjaran No 222, Bandung Selatan 40376, Jawa Barat, + 62-812221160
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Composting is a process where organic materials have decomposition ( decomposition) is biologically, by microbes that utilize organic matter ( C) as an energy source. Processing organic waste and make compost is to regulate and control the natural processes so that the compost can be formed more quickly. This engineering process includes the preparation conditions of an ideal mixture of raw materials ( CN ratio = 30 / 1 to 40 / 1) , provision of adequate water, setting the intensity of aeration ( oxygen availability) and the addition of the bacterial population of decomposition in composting. Known, the stench generated material ( waste and waste) occurs when the process of decomposition of organic ( decomposition) takes place in conditions without oxygen or low-intensity aeration ( anaerobic) , or low water content or humidity or too dry and the temperature is not conducive to the workings of bacteria decomposers. On the prerequisite condition for the continuity of the decomposition ( decomposition) of organic material are not met, the bacteria will live and sleep ( dormant) , while the same reaction will occur and cause anaerobic H2S gas or methane ( CH4) . The second type of gas is perceived as a bad smell.

BioPhosko technology has long been conducting research and testing of process if the garbage for the sake of the city, which is different than on-farm composting. Tracing the old traditional techniques, eg methods of open plot ( open windrows) as done in agriculture to be in town in the interest of waste processing, will cause various problems such as land area requirements, the smell of pollutant generation, the need for processing time and labor, that all this very decisive for the feasibility ( social, environmental and economic) of waste management in urban areas. With that basis, CVSK tries to present the technology of waste management and waste-especially for commercial interests in the region ( hotels, restaurants, factories, housing, apartments) as well as social areas ( education, schools, hospitals, places of worship) which of course will relate to the comfort community about the location of waste processing.

In regard to the interests of garbage and sewage treatment in cities above, CVSK and has managed to isolate microbes ( probiotics) decomposition of waste and various minerals for the continuity of modern composting, hygienic and quick. Activators are made from bacterial isolation arising from the decomposition of municipal waste that has a different character with agriculture and rural types of waste. Garbage and waste in the city generally contain leaf material, stems, protein and fat ( animal) , cooking oil, and other materials that are different from waste in the garden, agriculture and rural-dominated residual plant material. Microbial decomposers are compost activators Green Phoskko ® ( GP-1) and mineral bulking Green Phoskko  ® ( GP-2) . For the continuity of effective and efficient decomposition, developed machine tools ( composter) Biophosko ® whether the household scale, and environmental scale Rotary Kiln scale commercial business. Compost is very beneficial for the hobbies and park managers in making compost by using raw materials derived from domestic waste or, for entrepreneurs to get business - which produces faster than manage waste in homes, factories, markets or apartment environment. In fact, for the cities that have problems with waste disposal ( landfill) and waste management Biophosko ® will help solve the waste problem from the source or location of the waste ( families or households, restaurants, malls, markets, factory canteen, vegetable markets and hotels) . For large scale, are also available Klin Rotary machine tool with a choice of waste processing capacity of 1 m3 ( 1 / 3 Ton) / 5 days, 3 m3 / 5 day equivalent of 1 ton to 6 m3 ( 2 Ton) / units / 5 days.

Trash commercial area ( market, malls, hotels, restaurants, apartments, shops, housing, factories and the like) are now required to Law No. 18/ 2008 to be managed independently. Thus, mastery of technology, waste management process - that can process waste in a modern, fast, economically profitable ( a new form that is something that can be sold and the value such as compost and liquid organic fertilizer) as well as knowledge of marketing, will be an attraction and incentive for all parties in managing the waste independently. Likewise, for employers services ( contractors, suppliers, cleaning service companies) , technology mastery if garbage would be capital in offering waste management services ( cleaning service) to each of these commercial areas.

As is known, the compost is organic matter erobic process results in a controlled ( temperature, pH, moisture content, C / N ratio, and rich in oxygen) . Naturally, garbage and waste materials derived from living things ( plants, animals, humans) can be composted ( compostable materials) such as leaf wrappers, scraps of vegetables and fruit, and the like. In the practice of aeration composting process can be classified based on the treatment of the waste mass, ie mass treatment move ( movable treatment) and treatment of rest mass ( static treatment) . Moving mass treatment there are many derivatives such as in-vessel treatment, turned windrows, rotary kiln and other composting technology development. For the commercial interests of businesses to use design with a reversal operation aeration waste mass ( turned windrows, rotary kiln) , which we introduced in the city compost production installations ( IPKK) .

With the solid waste processing environment around high-income housing, environmental waste management services will provide additional revenue in the form of " retribution" that general hygiene is collected by the Pillars of residents and developers. With a capacity of 5 units Rotary Klin in this IPKK 3 m3 / day will be able to process waste from approximately 150 to 200 homes.

With more and more familiar media technology composter composting using Rotary Kiln, a new passion of making compost at home - although not for commercial purposes, as well as in communal environments. Biophosko ® technology has now been proven and can be used in the field when people pay attention to the problem of urban waste. In fact, today, more and more trust in the industry supporting this communal scale waste processing, which now grows in Bandung, Cimahi and Bogor, the request from some city government, a government agency ( BKKBN) , PT Gas Negara Persero ( PGN) , PT. Indocement, Tbk, PT Telkom, Tbk, PT Panasonic, Pertamina Cilacap RU, RU Plaju Pertamina, Medco Kaji South Sumatera, PT Gudang Garam Tbk, PT Panasonic KIIC, PT Bridgestone, Pemkab Monokwari Papua, - for community development around ( CSR) as well as its Corporate Social Responsibility ( CSR) . Other users such as Bapedalda Donggala, Majalengka Sanitation Department, Sanitation Department Ambon, Kayra Cipta Karawang, Bekasi KLH, Entrepreneur Mr Peter in West Kutai, Kukje Sangyo and market demand from the country of Malaysia ( Seremban, Kajang and Johor) and Brunei Darussalam.

Rotary Kiln BioPhosko ® is designed specifically for the purposes of providing media tools for setting the number of input oxygen ( aeration) and retain moisture, pH and temperature ( temperature) specific for a variety of high bacterial populations ( 10 ^ 8) - in Green Phoskko ( GP-1 ) activators - can work effectively and efficiently break down organic material. As known, each species of bacteria have different characters and also a special need to be able to decompose the material for quick, quality and hygienic. Thus, for the operation of composting in accordance with technological standards Phoskko ( rapid decomposition, hygienic, producing quality compost, free of deviations from generation caterpillars and smell) then, the use of a complete package of tools and activators Green Phoskko ( GP-1) and bulking agent ( organic or bulking agent) Green Phoskko ( GP-2) is recommended.

Hopefully with the findings of technology in this country, we can participate in addressing various environmental disaster that has been troubling us all. Floods in urban areas due to poor drainage, either because they waste clogged waterways. Likewise, the phenomenon of global warming, one generation caused by methane ( CH4) from each litter and organic waste without being processed. Not to mention due to lack of organics in food intake, has led to the high metabolic disease syndrome ( metabolism syndrome) .

Bandung, July 2009


Sonson Garsoni
+ 62- 81572527115
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