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Ms. bintang indolab

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Kompleks Ruko Galaxy Bumi Permai Blok J1 No.23A
Surabaya 60119, Jawa Timur
Jam Kerja: Senin - Jum' at ( 08.00 s/ d 17.00 WIB)
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Moisture Balance / Pengukur kadar air akurasi tinggi
FD-610 is upgraded model from FD-600 which was one of the largest Selling IR moisture balances in Kett record. No other moisture testers offers the versality of FD-610 which used....
Alat ukur kadar air Kopra / Copra moisture meter
Direct, accurate moisture percentages are obtained by simply driving the probe needles into the copra, The model HX- 120 is indispensable for copra processors or exporters.
à ....
Honey Refractometer Analog
Type. RHB-12-30
â ¢ This honey refractometer use for measuring the percentage of water contained in honey .
â ¢ Measuring range: 12.0 to 30.0% ( water content....
Alat ukur kadar air madu
The " Pocket" Honey Refractometer, PAL-22S can measure the % water content of honey easily and displays readings digitally. Comfortable, easy to use, light & compact. Measurements....
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