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    Paket Wisata Jogja

    Paket Wisata Jogja

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    3 Day / 2 Night Tour Solo - Jogja

    Day 01: Kraton Kraton Mangkunegaran + + Kasunanan Prambanan (Luch, Dinner)
    Arrive at the international airport Adi Sumarmo Solo in the morning, you will pinch the guide by which we are, continue to visit the Kraton Surakarta Mankunegaran in the wake of the year 1757 by Raden Mas Said Kasunanan Palace and in the wake in the year 1745 by Paku Buwana II (elder brother Prince Mangkubumi uterus), to continue in the Antique Market Triwindu. After lunch at local restaurant, go to the city about 1 hour, but the first stop in the Prambanan Temple, a temple Hindhu the beautiful and famous with his story Rorojonggrang. Check in hotel, rest / free events.

    Day 02: Kraton Kasultanan + + Taman Sari Borobudur (Luch, Dinner)
    After breakfast at the hotel, visit the Palace in Jogjakarta Kasultanan up in 1755 by Prince Mangkubumi and proceed to Taman Sari, a place where the family heritage of the kingdom of Yogyakarta was bathing a daughter that was built by Portuguese architect and the central process of batik in the area Tirtodipuran and Kotagede, the popular ever since the 1930's became the center of the Silver Industry. After lunch at local reaturant, continue to visit the Borobudur temple, the largest Buddhist temples and magnificent in the world to wake up in the stone by using the 60.000 square meters in the 8th century, there are carvings on the walls of Buddhist temples (Siddharta Gautama), to arrive time back to the hotel, but the first stop in the area of Malioboro. Dinner at local restaurant.

    Day 03: Transfer Out
    After breakfast at the hotel and check out the hotel, we take you to the international airport Adi Sumarmo Solo for next destination.

    3 Day / 2 Night Tour Yogyakarta

    Day 01: Borobudur Ketep + Pass + Agro Tourism Pondoh Salak (Lunch)
    Arrive at the international airport of Yogyakarta Adi Sucipto in the morning, you will pinch the guide by which we are, continue to visit the Borobudur Buddhist temple as the biggest and luxurious in the world to wake up in the stone by using the 60.000 square meters in the 8th century, also there is a Buddha carved on the temple walls (Siddharta Gautama), Temple and Temple Pawon Mendut. Next visit Ketep Pass View, to enjoy the beautiful panorama of the mountain and Merbabu Merapi (one of the teraktif mountain in the world), here you can also view a video about the terrible eruption of Merapi Mountain (2900 m). After lunch at local restaurant, return to Yogyakarta and the layover in Agrowisata at Salak Pondoh Turi, here you can enjoy the fruit picking and Salak Pondoh sepuasnya in the garden but can not be brought to the home. Check in hotel, rest / free events

    Day 02: Kraton Kasultanan + + Taman Sari Parangtritis (Lunch, Dinner)
    After breakfast at the hotel, visit the Palace in Jogjakarta Kasultanan up in 1755 by Prince Mangkubumi and proceed to Taman Sari, a place where the family heritage of the kingdom of Yogyakarta was bathing a daughter that was built by Portuguese architect and the central process of batik in the area Tirtodipuran and Kotagede, the popular ever since the 1930's became the center of the Silver Industry. After lunch at local reaturant, continue to visit in the area of Malioboro and Traditional Market Beringharjo, towards the evening the beach The famous story with its mystical, time to come back to the hotel, rest / free events. Dinner at local restaurant.

    Day 03: Prambanan Kaliurang + (Lunch)

    After breakfast at the hotel and check out the hotel, Kaliurang mengunjngi area to enjoy the cool air from the air, the mountain slopes of Merapi (teraktif one of the mountain in the world), the first in use by the Dutch nobleman to rest. After lunch at local restaurant, then visit the Prambanan Temple, a temple Hindhu a very beautiful and famous with Roro Jonggrangnya story. Arrive until the time we take you to the airport for next destination.
    2 Days / 1 Night Tour Yogyakarta

    Day 01: Borobudur Ketep + Pass + Agro Tourism Pondoh Salak (Lunch, Dinner)
    Arrive at the international airport of Yogyakarta Adi Sucipto in the morning, you will pinch the guide by which we are, continue to visit the Borobudur Buddhist temple as the biggest and luxurious in the world to wake up in the stone by using the 60.000 square meters in the 8th century, also there is a Buddha carved on the temple walls (Siddharta Gautama), Temple and Temple Pawon Mendut. Next visit Ketep Pass View, to enjoy the beautiful panorama of the mountain and Merbabu Merapi (one of the teraktif mountain in the world), here you can also view a video about the terrible eruption of Merapi Mountain (2900 m). After lunch at local restaurant, return to Yogyakarta and the layover in Agrowisata at Salak Pondoh Turi, here you can enjoy the fruit picking and Salak Pondoh sepuasnya in the garden but can not be brought to the home. Check in hotel, rest. At night you will get our roads - roads in the area of Malioboro. Dinner at local restaurant.

    Day 02: Kraton Kasultanan + Prambanan, Taman Sari (Lunch)
    After breakfast at the hotel and check out the hotel, visit the Palace in Jogjakarta Kasultanan up in 1755 by Prince Mangkubumi and proceed to Taman Sari, a place where the family heritage of the kingdom of Yogyakarta was bathing a daughter that was built by Portuguese architect and the central process batik making in the area and Tirtodipuran Kotagede, the popular ever since the 1930's became the center of the Silver Industry. After lunch at local restaurant, proceed to the Prambanan Temple, a temple Hindhu a very beautiful and famous with Roro Jonggrangnya story, the time we arrived to take you to the airport to continue the journey back
    One Day Tour (10 hours)

    Arrive at the international airport of Yogyakarta Adi Sucipto in the morning, you will pinch the guide by which we are, continue to visit the Borobudur Buddhist temple as the biggest and luxurious in the world to wake up in the stone by using the 60.000 square meters in the 8th century, also there is a Buddha carved on the temple walls (Siddharta Gautama), Temple and Temple Pawon Mendut. Then back to Jogjakarta to visit the Palace in the wake of Kasultanan in the year 1755 by Prince Mangkubumi and forwarded to the Taman Sari, a place where the family heritage of the kingdom of Yogyakarta was bathing a daughter that was built by Portuguese architect. After lunch at a local restaurant to visit Prambanan Temple, a temple Hindhu a very beautiful and famous with his story Rorojonggrang. However, in a trip to Prambanan to briefly stop by the center in the process of making batik and Kotagede Tirtodipuran the area, the popular ever since the 1930's became the center of the Silver Industry. After the temple of Prambanan in between your back to the airport to continue the journey back

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